Well, went to the Lego store group interview thing. It was quite interesting. we sat around in a circle and the interviewer dumped out a bucket of legos and told us to make something that represented ourselves and i was like, 'um, what? gah!' cuz wtf was i supposed to make. i tried to make a computer, but that didn't work out so well...luckily the mall security guy came over and told us that we couldn't be sitting on the floor like that so we picked up all of the lego blocks and he just asked us the rest of the questions for the interview. next, he had us each pick out a block and then tell a story about it in five words...i got two bricks that were stacked together so i was like 'um, twins that love each other?' cuz lol twincest was the first thing that popped into my head. xD; and then after that he had us think about our favorite superhero and their powers and arch nemesis and then he had us think of what our superpowers would be and what our names would be and who our nemesis would be. I chose the power of persuasion as my super power, and i couldn't think of a name so i was just like, 'um, silver tongue?' lol lame and i chose Elijah as my arch nemesis cuz he doesn't listen to me at all, lmao. but i think i did it wrong cuz everyone else was choosing arch enemies that already existed so...*shrugs* i already know they won't be calling me back, or my roommate. the others totally outshone us lol. oh well. :/
and now! a meme! :]
10 Things You Want For Christmas even though i don't celebrate:
big time rush t-shirt
big time rush season pass
first season of big time rush (do you see a trend here? lol XD)
a mac
a new ipod
more icon space
some new jeans
a haircut would be nice
actually a few new shirts would also be good
...um...some new vans? (LOL i'm so lame. XD)
9 Musicians/Bands You Love:
Big Time Rush
Sonny and the Sunsets
Plastic Tree
Drake Bell
8 Things You Do Everyday:
Spam Twitter
Wake up
wander the internet
listen to music
7 Things I Enjoy:
listening to music
writing fic
reading fic
talking to Chase
spamming twitter
being crazy
making icons
6 Things That Will ALWAYS Win Your Heart:
awesome big brothers
a good book
5 Favorites:
Movie: Penelope
Song: Wolf at the Door by Radiohead
Book: Sevenwaters Trilogy
Food: um, pie
Season: winter
4 Smells You Enjoy:
fresh cotton
3 Places You Want To Go:
new york
2 Holidays You Love even though I still don't celebrate:
Thanksgiving (we celebrate this one cuz hello food! XD)
1 Person You Would Marry On The Spot:
Carlos Pena Jr.
stolen from
lp05 Random Stuff:
before november, i want to finish Katie's fic, Bre's fic, the unnatural history halloween fest fic thing (which will probably be a drabble) and my fairy tale AU which won't be finished by tonight which is the deadline, but I still want to finish it.
is anyone doing NaNoWriMo this year? it's my first time and i'm kinda nervous. I don't know what to do to prepare or anything. should i make outlines and stuff? i need to go check out the site some more.
also: schoooool started this week. :D i've got some pretty cool classes. well, i missed my monday night class cuz i couldn't get my schedule, but tuesday i have intro to literature and digital photography and on wednesday i have concept design in motion and monday night i have just basic concept design, lol. i wonder what we're gonna be doooing. i can't wait til monday night to find out. i'm excited for this quarter and it will not be the same mess as last quarter. i'm just fucking determined not to do that again.