Title: Of Diamonds and Coal
Fandom: Big Time Rush
Pairing(s): James/Logan
Disclaimer: Everything belongs to their respective owners, mkay? 'M not trying to claim anything, k? :]
Summary/Notes: James wants Logan to give them a chance. Logan is hesitant, but James is persistent and he slowly and reluctantly gives in. Could be considered a follow up
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2) This is definitely showverse!Jogan. And it started off on a negative starting point because in my head-canon there is always background/past Kogan going on and that's what the songs "There There" and "A Rush And A Push" were supposed to imply. So Logan's hesitancy stems from already being burned by Kendall and not wanting to go through that again. I...maybe shoulda mentioned that in the header. >>; loloops But I hope you liked the songs. They're some of my favorites ( ... )
Ohhhh, now that you mention it, I can see the scene/remember this pose. Good eye for snagging a great scene to sample the pictures from, and for making such a gorgeous manip out of it. :D
Ahhhh, gotcha! I can definitely understand why it starts in the negative given the other layer you add to it in your interpretation of the relationship. I love that James's tenacity is highlighted, though, because he is tenacious.
I just dl-ed them late last night, so I haven't had a chance to listen to them yet, but I've heard some other work by a couple of the artists, and I'm excited. :D
Haha, nothing wrong with that--that's especially funny when the lyrics are really dirty, but you can't tell until many times later after listening because they are hard to understand over the din of the music. XD
James/Logan definitely differ between showverse and RPS and I love both for very very different reasons. ♥Me, too! ♥ Couldn't ( ... )
Good eye for snagging a great scene to sample the pictures from i wish i could take credit for it, but someone posted HD caps at bigtimerush and i was browsing their gallery where i found it, lol XD
I love that James's tenacity is highlighted, though, because he is tenacious. This is one of my favorite things about James. He doesn't take no for an answer even when everyone is telling him to give it up. And I really like focusing on that trait in fic.
Ah, well, when you listen to them, plz tell me what you think. :]
Well, you excel at it, so how about that!? ;) thank you, haha *blushu* you are way more fantastic than i am, so ♥
I still need to unzip these! It feels liks forever since I've actually been on my own computer to be replying to comments. XDDDD I'll be sure to let you know what I think when I've heard them all.
<3 Excellent cap choice, and high five for tenancity!
you are way more fantastic than i am, so ♥ Impossible. ♥
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