May 12, 2010 22:11

lmao, not really. this is more like my teen-hood, but anyway. i was looking through my old photobucket account. the one that i can't remember the password too, nor the email so i can't even try to retrieve it and i found the vid i made for one of my old rp characters, Shiro and my friends rp character Errow. They were so cute and emo and just, seriously, they were my OTP ♥ i made a fanvid for them on one of my off-days from both work and school and no one was around to entertain me, lol.

so anyway, Devin used Miyavi as Errow's PB and I used Hiroki Narimiya for Shiro's and seriously, they were so cute together. i really miss writing them. :(

apparently i can't embed it, but you can watch it here but you're probably not, so moving on!

I also found some old graphic-things i made long long ago. back in the day when I didn't even know what photoshop was and all i had was paint. D: do you know how much of a pain it was to make anything in paint? i'm not talking about these. i don't think these were that much of a problem. but i seriously used to sit at the computer for hours zoomed in all the way to delete all the individual pixels that i didn't want from anime characters with all their stupid spiky hair and my eyes would burn like a bitch after a while and if i screwed up it was almost always game over because i could only 'undo' three times and OMG I THINK I'M GETTING FLASHBACKS. Dx Dx

ok, so explanation time. When i was younger, i would always say that if i was ever an extra in a movie, i would want to be "Thug #4" in the credits and yeah, that's pretty much it. lol. shortest story ever XD

d:, fanvids, errow/shiro are love, :d, gundam wing, traumatic flashbacks are traumatic

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