May 28, 2006 07:22
I've accepted a Senior Sales Engineer position at Schneider Electric. I'll get all the perks: company car, computer, phone, and a company AmEx. The salary is typical: barely enough to pay the bills but the semi-annual incentives are potentially awesome. I'll be covering Georgia, Alabama, western Tennessee and the Florida panhandle. That means a lot of flying. Flying is OK, as long as I'm on a large jet. I puke like a new mother-to-be in her first trimester on little, propeller planes. I guess I'm going to have to research motion sickness medication. I wonder if they can make them so you don't get sleepy?
On a less disgusting note, Schneider wants to send me to Nice, France for a week (7/15-7/22) of training. Having never left the US of A, that's kind of exciting. I Googled Nice, France. It's on the Mediterranean coast, between Cannes and Monaco.
Two more days left (Tue & Wed)at my current employer. Then we finish packing, pick up the U-Haul truck on the 2nd, load it and leave for GA on the 3rd. Can't wait. Can't wait.