Go get replacement straps for free now. Just fill that out and Nintendo will send you a replacement strap, that is more sturdy. Cause I know some of you are completely retards who swing it like maniacs and think letting go of the control is a good idea.
But in all seriousness, better safe than sorry, plus its free. No reason not to get them for free and replace all your straps with a thicker one.
Also Jump Ultimate Stars is indeed one of the tightest games ever. I am going to have three decks with Luffy as my main.
Afro Luffy: His Gatling super is really quick with no prep time. He does put his arms in the air in a victory sense after, but its a great spammage super. He fights normally like Koma 4 and 5 Luffy, but his supers make up for it. He is 6 Koma Luffy.
Gear 2nd Luffy: Geared Luffy in general is just better. Although he loses Gomu Gomu no Rifle, and gains a "meh" Gomu Gomu no Jet Pistol (looks cool but isn't that strong or have the range). He has Gomu Gomu no Volcano which is ok for hitting opponents above you. But his Gomu Gomu no Jet Storm is really good, although it isn't a canon technique. Gear 2nd Luffy is 7 Koma.
Gear 3rd Luffy: Like Gear 2nd Luffy, he fights normally the same. He is always in Gear 2nd even though Luffy has never gone from 2 to 3, but normal state to Gear 3rd. His supers are Gomu Gomu no Gigante Gatling and Gomu Gomu no Gigante Ono(axe). I am assuming they do very good damage, Gigante Gatling isn't a canon technique though. It has a short charge towards the enemy which leaves you open for half a sex, then after he beats on them he turns Chibi Luffy for like half a sec. Gigante Axe just kind of sucks, might have unseen potential. He is 8 Koma.
Also I definently am going to make a Franky deck. Coup de Vent is a tight super, and Franky Chaser Bullet is hilarious. I like his Franky Boxing multiple punches, but his finger shot doesn't have as much push back as I am used to with Luffy's Gomu Gomu no Bazooka followup.
Hiea, Vegitto, Renji, Hollow Ichigo, Yusuke, Dio Brando, Frieza, Sakura, Kyuubi Naruto are also interesting me a lot. Hmmm.
ALSO I don't think I hate Uchiha Sasuke post timeskip. Not yet at least. Maybe if he goes emo. So I may put him in a deck along with Sakura. Tag team :X