I've had electric current zapped through my arms, been prodded with needles, had them twisted and turned and much more done to my arms in an effort to figure out what's going on with them. On occasion they've gone numb, locked up, stiffened, and most mornings when I awake they don't work for a good 4 or 5 minutes til I've really shaken them a bit. So, yippee more tests to come but they think it's in my head. Add to that the fact that the hospital whipped a 6 grand bill out for my emergency room stay after I apparently whipped myself down a flight of stairs back in June and you'll see why about 40% of my income goes right into keeping even a mediocre insurance working. I'm just letting y'all know in case you dropped by my art sites and wondered at the comments.
Not sure I'm going to go with WoW's Cataclysm, odds are I will just because that's where all the people I know are these days, but I really haven't been impressed with what I've seen. AKA nothing in the beta has really made me go "wow I really want to spend 40 bucks more on this." Don't get me wrong, there's a few neat new things, I really like the worgen opening chain, but my beloved druids have been beaten near to death with the nerf bat so much that I really don't even like playing the game any more.* (The Tree was me, and I was the tree, I never did want to have to shoot wrath from my fingers, I liked healing and was happy to do it. Now to me it seems a worthless effort, and don't give me that crap of "oh but they balanced it out by moving things up and down," because I've been at it for a few months now and I hate, I mean HATE the new healing mechanics. Who the hell thinks a dps bonus needs to be right in the middle of the HEALING choices, sorry folks but it's stupid. I get that they want to make the game NEW again, but heck half the stuff they did to dumb it down in Lich King is remaining but instead they're reworking how an entire class has to be played?**
Ok, enough of that rant.
I've also been amongst the missing because somehow a watch battery got into my computer's casing (no it wasn't in there, those batteries are all in place) and wedged near my hard drive and did quite the number on it. Lost quite a bit of writings and lessons that I've yet to manage to fully recover. But the comp has a new hd and a totally updated OS. (If you're going to have to rebuild might as well upgrade while you're at it.)
I'm working again on a semi regular basis, but even that has me wary...so we'll see what comes of it. Y'all take care.
*Plus just playing the game can actually be painful, see paragraph one.
** I'm discontented enough to even be considering something else. Something like:
My bet is I won't like it either.