I hate the radio

Jul 07, 2009 14:10

Listen to this shit.  Just...listen to this.

I hate these two guys.  I hate them completely and unequivicably.  I hate the intense prejudice, I hate the complete dismissal of any kind of
honest research.  Listen, you can't purely disregard scientific evidence just because it doesn't fit in with your idiotic world view.  Hey, guess what, asshole?  YOU HAVE NO CONCEPT OF THE HISTORY OR REALITY OF TRANSGENDERISM.  SHUT THE FUCK UP!  YOU HAVE NO RIGHT TO ADVOCATE BERATING AND PHYSICALLY AND VERBALLY ABUSING A CHILD.  Equating transgendered kids to kleptomaniacs is reprehensible.  Your bullheaded he-man mentality about this subject is disgusting.  I feel horrible for your children, Sir.  If one of them came out to you, as trans or gay or anything else, would you call them a freak?  Would you disown them?  That's assuming you'd even acknowledge them.  If they get bashed, if they get harassed, if they get beaten, would you even care?  I bet you'd probably think it's a GOOD thing, that it's society's way of proving that his life is wrong.  You know why?  Because you're a horrible fucking person.

Now, granted, there are people who use legitimate things, like being trans, as a way of acting out in order to get attention.  Yes, they exist.  But to dismiss an entire group of people based on those sporadic cases?  It's stupid.  Would you make that claim about any other group of people?  I highly doubt it.

Fortunately, the show was shut down, and most of the radio stations major sponsors pulled their ads when they found out about the show.  That's the only bright spot in this shit colored stain.

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