1. Pick one of your scars out. Now, how did you get it? back of my leg - tooth mark - Bruno's dog. That tooth went real deep in the skin
2. What is hanging on the walls in your room? A few star wars posters, a warcraft 3 poster, a picture
3. When was the last time you permanently changed your appearance? umm...When I got glasses...9 years ago
4. What sport would you say you are best at? NBA Jam
5. Do you have any illnesses? probably
6. What do you do to exercise? DDR
7. CPU or TV? CPU
8. Soda or milk? Milk
9. Live forever or die tomorrow? Live Forever. I could be like the highlander, wandering around trying to kill myself, but I can't because - I - Am - Immortal
10. What music do you listen to? Tons. 80's is the best, but I listen to lot's
11. Have you ever hurt your friend (physically/mentally)? yes, but not intentionally, but thn again, who does?
13. Do you remember birthdays? Some
14. Do you have a hobbie? yeah, computers/L5R/videogames
15. Do you have a birthmark? yeah
16. Do you think you are pretty? Pretty Ugly!
17. What is the weirdest thing you have ever done? Lot's, I can't think of anything totally wierd. Except maybe walking down tilton road with a box over my head, swinging around a piece of rope in one hand, cardboard box in the other. But that isn't the wierdest, it just came to mind.
18. When was the last time you got really angry? Uhh...Dunno
19. Look to your right. What do you see?? Stash
20. Do you drink coffee? Sometimes
21. What are you afraid of? Heights, being alone, people hating me
22. DO YOU HAVE YOUR OWN COUCH? No...but...I have a...I got nothing...
23. Do you own anything leather? Boots
24. What are you doing tomorrow? Something with Steph, maybe
25. The day after tomorrow? SSBM tourny
26. And the day after? Chores, sleep, maybe hang out with Steph, I don't think 3 days ahead too often
27. What is the first thing you notice about the opposite sex? eyes and hair
28. What is your favourite smell? candy
29. Do you get car sick? no
30. What are you thinking of right now? Steph
31. Do you get claustrophobic? sometimes
32. Could you ever see yourself moving from here? Of course *flies to Japan*
33. What is your favourite chip? computer
34. What is your favourite song of all time? hmmm...tough, tough choice... Either Champagne Super Nova by Oasis, or Friday I'm in Love by The Cure
35. What was your favourite colour when you were 10? green
36. What colour are your eyes? brown with green tint
37: Do you/Have you sleep (slept) w/ a stuffed animal? yup
38. Have you ever moved? Once
39. Have you ever failed? too many times
40. Have you ever gone to the hospital for an injury? Never
41. What kind of hair do you like in the opposite sex? blonde, dark blonde
42. What attracts you to someone of the opposite sex? intelligence, personality
43. Who, out of your female friends, have you know the longest? yeah...I don't have too many of those...
44. Now male? Adam
45. What is your birthday? Your middle name? 26 July 1988 - Wayne
46. Sunrise or sunset? Sunset.
47. Where at? forest
48. Who is your best friend? I got lots
49. How often do you get mail? Not much...EGM, that's bout it
50. What are your favourite movies of this year? Kill Bill vol 2
57. Do you have a life plan after graduation? kinda
58. Can you play an instrument? piano
59. Do you speak a different language? duetsch
60. What was the first gift someone ever gave you (opposite sex)? I'm assuming my mother doesen't count so...I guess it would be Kawaii
61. Do you have more online or offline friends? online I guess
62. When was the last time you were on the phone? about an hour ago
63. When was the last time you puked? November I think.
64. How often do you go to a party? Once a...4 month span...if I'm lucky
65. How do you like your coffee? a little milk, to spoons of sugar
66. Who do you love? Steph
67. Why? Because she is the cutest, most perfect, smartest, greatest girl ever with the best personality
68. Would you fall in love w/ someone if you knew they would leave you soon? Tis better to have loved than never loved at all
69. What is the best way to tell someone how much you love them? A big hug
71. Choose a number from 1 to 100. 5
72. Blondes, brunettes or redheads?:blondes
73. Would you prefer to go ice skating or roller skating? roller
74. What is the one number you call often? 601-0943
75. What annoys you most? People
76. Have you ever called the person you liked and then hung up? Nope