Story of Short Semester

Sep 03, 2008 10:36

Hay hay,smuanya...wuaaa.. uda lama bgt nih kaga nulis2 jurnal... blakangan gw kejebak semester pendek siih *sighs*, anatomi n fisiologi susyahh... msti dipelototin dosennya,, yg laen pada libur eh gw masuk,, udah gtu kelasnya ditaro di ruang cadaver,, tp cadavernya udah diungsiin sih,, trus ruangannya disulap jd ruang kelas normal gtu cuman didepan kelas ada rangka tulang manusia asli digantung gtu, warnanya juga kuning2 coklat kan klo kerangka model yg suka dipake di SMP-SMA itu warnanya putih,,trus klo lagi didorong, tangan kakinya ontal-antel kaga jelas gtu serrraaaaaammm.... ya tapi krn kepaksa, gw makan aja diruang itu,,yg mungkin angker, pura2 buta aja... ha ha slama blajar gw ngerasa wow Tuhan tu keren bgt looh nyiptain sistem mesin manusia terutama jantung, IT'S SO COOL!! ya tapi nggak cool pas gw kaga ngerti,ha ha... trus ttg banyak hal, yg dianggap org tua jaman dulu baik, trnyata nggak...misalnyaa... mungkin ada juga yg udah tau tp bwt yg belom, dikerok pas masuk angin tuh ngga boleh, klo merah2 itu bukan angin, tp pembuluh darah yg pecah, apalagi sampe biru2, kesumbat disana. Hati2, trutama ngerok deket2 tulang belakang, salah2 sarafnya cedera, langsung see you bye bye, alias mati. so, masuk angin mah ya udah minum aja anti angin, jangan telat makannya, jangan byk ciprak2 di air,dsbkan udh pd tau lah ya...well, sgini dulu d, bye!

-Choutarou Ootori-

Hay hay everyone,, yay so long time I haven't filled this journal. Recently,I trapped in short semester *sighs*, anatomy and physiology were such a difficult lectures,I should take over see at the lecturers.. My friends got full holiday, me not!in addition, I done the short semester in cadaver room but the room had been changed into the normal room and the cadaver had been moved to other place.But still, there was TRUE human's full-bone for studied, colored choco-yellow,,OMG! but there was no choice,I kept studying and in rest time, eating in front of it.

I was feel so amazed when studied that GOD made the incredible human machine, it was so completely amazing. SO COOL!(but that wasn't cool when I didn't understand, ha ha. I found the truth that Indonesian habit (stroke the back with coin when they got sick) isn't good, even worse. The red at the back isn't mean that the sick is gone but the small arteries that broken. or maybe the skin is turning blue, it really worsen. Furthermore, there is nerve that runs through the backbone. If it's broken, the person may die. so it's better to take the medicine or avoid to be sick. healthy food and activities are needed. Ok that's all, bye!

-Choutarou Ootori-

medical, choutarou, ootori

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