assorted thoughts.

May 09, 2010 20:59

the chronicles of a sprain.

- your sister says you’re trying to emulate kobe bryant when your ring finger is buddy-taped to your middle finger.

- flipping people the bird has become substantially less effective.

- consequently, the double bird is also completely out of question.

- your options of shadow animals has also become much more limited. a problem if you’re bored out at PE on a sunny day waiting for the teacher to take roll.

- rock paper scissors. rock is fine, paper’s fine, scissors is just fucking ridiculous.

- if you use two fingers for the hand pistol, you’ve just lost one of your weapons in imaginary battles. fml.

- your brain processes each of your digits as a functional, separate entity from its neighbors. you are confusing your brain by claiming your middle finger and ring finger are now one and the same.

- stupid typos tend to arise as a result.

- it’s gonna suck if the aliens arrive in the next week or so, because doing “live long and prosper” just doesn’t fucking work out.

sports-related stuff, laughter is the best medicine, oh hey look high school

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