Jun 08, 2008 00:18
Ugh, bad week. Poetry book took forever to finish, but crazy hair day was fun. That plus Thursday, my homophobic language arts teacher decided to discuss exactly what was wrong with democrats (aka endorsing "deviant lifestyles", better known as homosexuals, believing global warming, banning smoking, etc.) and caused me to do a total 180 from my normal behavior in class and flip her off and mouth "fuck this" behind her back.
Fortunately, I was at the front computer editing a Powerpoint for her daughter's graduation for her and was not caught. I'm certainly surprised that only one of my classmates (a good friend of mine who is considerably open minded) saw it happen, judging from the lack of gasps and horrified looks. Either that, or I'm incredibly in the good graces of my class, which I somehow doubt after half-jokes about biased grading thanks to my fourth block job as her teacher aide.
I was a bit more horrified to see one of my classmates nod and agree with every one of her statements and added that "they're stupid" or "that's stupid" following every "yeah" and "I know!".
Geez. I'd spent twenty minutes of one class prior to this months ago debating with her about intelligent design and how she thinks that we're being brainwashed with Darwinism. I countered that if we're religious, then it's not the only theory we're being presented with and we can therefore choose what we believe in.
Only ended when we decided to move on, and I didn't even bother arguing this time.
Ended up going to lunch and heading for the fitness room for a session with the punching bag, where I ran into Mr. Schamman, the computer class supervisor and resident MMA teacher.
We said hi, and then he challenged me to a sword fight.
lolwhat. I squeaked out a yes before he headed for the two padded swords on the counter, and only then did I realize what I got myself into.
Nonetheless, I was quite happy - I haven't had a decent sparring session in a year, swords or not. Took off my glasses, he pointed out a row of tiles to not go past. First person to three strikes anywhere wins.
So we fought three of those matches. Outcomes (Mr. Schamman - Me): 3 - 2, 3 -1, 2 - 3. The guys walked in at some point (not sure who they were without my glasses), but I think they were a bit surprised to see someone not in the MMA club to fight their teacher, and decently at that.
One out of three - not bad against a teacher. He said I was pretty good, and complimented me on my reflexes, but said I had to work on my parry (one-hand). Makes sense, considering I've been working with katana and bokken - all two hand swords. I did manage a pretty good one hand strike after he told me that, though. I think I would've done better with my glasses - I could barely see the tile line, and I didn't get too close for fear of overshooting. I think I actually got the last match only because he stepped across it.
I have not had to dance around that much before, and damn it he was fast. I was lucky to dodge and evade most of the strikes he almost landed (I felt a bit like Silly Putty after it was over). So I'm surprised I got the third match at all, aside from him stepping across the line. Nevertheless, I'm happy my skills haven't deteriorated by much.
So then, after a hilarious but brave attempt at feeding Jenny pudding lying down and opposite each other at the head, I ran off to find Nick to ask him if he was gonna do the talent show fight and with who, because I had wanted to ask Ms. Vu if she would bo staff fight with me.
So I ask him, and he says, "Well, yeah, but I'm gonna need to do it with you, okay?"
Dude, short notice much?
So now I'm fighting my best friend and letting him win at the talent show, and that's only if I can stay after school on Wednesday for the auditions. Now to convince Mom. And choose a song.
Nick suggested these:
One Winged Angel, FFVII
Enter Sandman, Metallica
The Blister Exists, Slipknot
Wait and Bleed, Slipknot
Only problem? All these songs are over four minutes long, except for Watch and Bleed. Joy.
I suggested Sick or Sane, Senses Fail, to throw in. He says I choose, but I'm not entirely sure. If it's one of the first three, I need to shorten it.
We already agreed on what would happen - no head shots, no 'hitting below the belt' shots, and he gets to win. Ha. Ha.
And he wants to go in with improvisation.
Someone's getting splattered now and I'd rather it wasn't me.
Suggestions? =_=;; I may need to nag him into choreographing it.
middle school wins/loses/draws,
life sucks then you die