Life's good. I realize I tend to use lj to rant and be a stereotypical "livejournaler" but by then it's pretty much out of my system, and I
don't know what I was even bothering to whine about.
As previously stated, life is pretty good. I've been having a lot of fun these first 2 weeks of being back in Ithaca, not that it should come as a shock. I'm glad to be back but also glad things seem to be working out really well, and I've had enough free time to hang out with fantastic people. All of this despite having no car; it's really working out great. I'm going to be busier soon, but I'm pretty much wallowing in being a social/slightly lazy person for now. And reading a lot, don't get me wrong.
I've been spending a ton of time with Teejay since I came up before New Year's, and it's been really cool. We get along so well now
it's ridiculous, it's just really comfy and entertaining and.. I don't really know. Fulfilling. I've realized that I really adore his house
too; it's just such a comfortable, free flowing space (even though the bathroom probably needs to be cleaned with a firehose ;) and the
current robots/residents are great. I've come to this conclusion after the last 2 night's festivities, which started out innocently enough at random small parties or making dinner and end up continuing past 3 am with 'friendly' tussles, spontaneously vicious pillow fights and every imaginable absurdity involving the fascinatingly inappropriate Egemon. Last night/this morning I laughed so hard my face hurt and couldn't stop. And I was completely sober. It's perfect. It's kinda sad to think that it's such a temporary thing, so many people are graduating and/or leaving the house after this semester, that it's only meant to exist in this way for a few short months. I guess the best thing to do is not reflect on the temporality of college anyhow, and just keep enjoying the moments. I don't want to think about this semester ending, ever. I hope to keep the summer at bay indefinitely (though I'd be more than fine with some sunshine coming back early).
Linds and I have been having some fun lately as well, it's equally awesome. She's really busy this semester but we're making time to do things together. Tonight we're going into the lighting studio so she can be my model :) I'm excited to finally feel at least a little competant doing studio work. We're going to be so goofy; I hope something fantastic comes of it.
Speaking of Linds and photos:
I'm goofy
they're too adorable. grossly adorable.
Anywho. Yesterday I walked down to the Commons because the weather was so amazing. Made me feel fantastic. I wish wish wish it would stay that way. What else, what else. Parties and hangouts and the like... classes are great, the 4 that I'm taking (documentary photo, a seminar on feminist theory, queer studies, abnormal psych)... and I'm the 'webmistress' for the IC Feminist group now, which is pretty rad. Linds has been letting me borrow her car in an extreme act of kindness, coolness and generosity, so I'm able to make a little money and see the kids again, which was really fun. Children are too damn cute, they need to knock it off. Yeah okay I think that about covers it. I just wanted to memorialize all the fun of the last couple weeks in Ithaca, because I really am feeling great. Things aren't perfect but they're working out. I'm a lucky duck.