Back from hiatus....

Apr 11, 2008 16:30

It seems I've been neglecting my journal again....ahhh forgive me ....I'm too busy with work and real life that sometimes I'm just unable to get on the internet even long enough to check my e-mail.>__<
I also apologize because lately most of my entries have been only in Italian and unreadable to half of my f-list,this is unfair, I know .....and I'm really sorry é_____è , but often I'm too tired... and even if I enjoy English, I still feel so uncomfortable writing in this language....=___= ehhh ...I need to improve!

Anyway,last Friday was my birthday and I want to thanks again all people who sent me congratulations despite my hiatus >.<........ especially kykou-yk for making such a cute banner just for me *O*......then my little sys primechan for the birthday postcart ( che sorpresa Prime!!Che tenero..awww quei gattini.....>.< grazie, grazie sorellina mia..... ç___________ç....mi manchi così tanto......♥)and my beloved nekoi-echizen for this beautiful Kamui banner, and ....asldhgasldhgadfdh... that awesome package full of goodies!!*___________* are know you are!!XDDD ILU ♥♥♥

Thank you all made me feel so loved! *hugssssss*

hiatus, real life, birthday, kamui

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