Log post

Sep 22, 2007 22:36

Who: Killua
friendofgon   and Kiba
What: Meeting! To Kiba's dismay and Killua's amusement! :D
When: TODAY. :D
Where: On Whale Island :D In a random part of the forest or something.
Why: Because we were bored and Kiba's pain amuses us. And the fact that they're both stubborn as hell and need to have their way.

Rated C for Creepy resemblance between Kiba and Killua's personalities. AND BOTH THEIR NAMES START WITH KI.

Kiba:: *Has decided to wander away from his pack for no reason. Night was falling in the fandom he was currently in and he was actually feeling tired. He sighed and then closed his eyes for a moment, remembering the taste of chocolate ice cream. Suddenly, his eyes shot open. There was a gleaming portal right in front of him for an un-explained and not going to be explained reason. His eyes widening, he stepped through. Could he finally have found paradise

Killua:: *has taken a walk around Whale Island because pregnant women really ARE scary, and Gon needs to talk to Mito-san alone before they head off again* *suddenly sees a portal appear out of nowhere and someone stepping through it, immediately tensing up in case it's someone dangerous* ... who are you?

Kiba:: ........*doesn't say anything at first, and blinks. He looks around and rubs the back of his head and sighs.* This isn't paradise is it? *Not really talking to anyone in particular

Killua:: It's Whale Island. *blinks a few times, deciding this person isn't an immediate threat at least, so he steps closer* Who are you?

Kiba:: *Blinks and finally looks at Killua:* .....Oh damn. *Knows that it's Killua because of his icons and whatnot* D:

Killua:: *blinks at that and studies him closer, finally recognizing him* ...Kiba?

Kiba:: Yeah. *Bored expression* Well. I'm going back in the portal now

Killua:: *watches as the portal closes* Too late. *grins* Want some chocolate?

Kiba:: ...............God dammit. *curses the heavens* No. I'm going home.

Killua:: *digs a bag of chocolate out of his pocket and walks over, opening it up before holding it out* Here. Try one.

Kiba:: No. I don't want it. *actually kind of does want it but he's being a brat*

Killua:: *takes some chocolate out of the bag and throws it at him*

Kiba:: *Glares angrily at the chocolate* I said that I didn't want it. It's going to waste.

Killua:: Try some. It's really good. *eats some himself*

Kiba:: *Glare* *Glare* *Glare* *Munch* ...It's good.

Killua:: *smirk* Told you.

Kiba:: Hmph. *Crosses his arms* Now I'm going home.

Killua:: *holds out the bag of chocolate again*

Kiba:: *Stares at it* ...Do...Not....Want.... D<

Killua:: But you said it was good!

Kiba:: I'm trying to convince myself! *glare*

Killua:: *eats some more, still holding the bag out* I've got a few different types in my backpack, if you wanna try them.

Kiba:: ...Why the hell do you carry candy around.

Killua:: .... Because I really love candy. *raises eyebrows at him* Why else?

Kiba:: It would melt. *Skeptical*

Killua:: *slips his backpack off his shoulders and opens it up, pulling out a giant lunchbox with a built-in cooling system because he'd totally have something like that* Here. See, it hasn't melted.

Kiba:: ..................*kind of in awe because he's never seen anything like this before* Oh. That’s. Cool.

Killua:: You should try a chocolate robot! *getting excited now*

Kiba:: ...A what. *The idea of a chocolate robot kind of just flew over his head*

Killua:: A chocolate robot! *holds one up to show him* its chocolate shaped like a robot. It's my favorite.

Kiba:: .......................................*stares at it* ................*takes it*........................................................*STARES*............................................................................*chomp*

Killua:: ..... So did you like it?

Kiba:: .........*blink*

Killua:: ......

Kiba:: .......

Killua:: ........

Kiba:: ..........

Killua:: .............

Kiba:: ................

Killua:: ................................

Kiba:: Yeah.

Killua:: *grins* How much?

Kiba:: I dunno. It was good. *tilts head*

Killua:: *tilts head as well* Chocolate is the best thing ever.

Kiba:: It's my favorite flavor. Out of everything I've tried.

Killua:: A lot of people love it. *finds a chocolate robot for himself as well*

Kiba:: My pack likes it as well. *Totally forgot that he was going to go home, the dummy*

Killua:: So you should get more for them. *pause* How can you not have tried it before anyway?

Kiba:: .........I never considered trying it before. I usually ate meat. Fresh meat. *Blinks* Yeah. I'll get them some.

Killua:: *makes a face* Fresh meat doesn't taste very good.

Kiba:: It does. Very. Very good. *Almost licks his lips but decides not to* I like the taste of blood.

Killua:: Ugh, no. I've got it in my mouth too many times when I've killed. It's boring.

Kiba:: For an animal it's the best in the world. *shrugs*

Killua:: I guess. *pause* Though technically, humans are animals, too.

Kiba:: If you want to get technical. *Bored expression* But they're very different from us.

Killua:: I don't think we're that different. *shrugs*

Kiba:: We are. *Crosses his arms*

Killua:: How are we different? *challenging look*

Kiba:: *Returns the look* The way we think and do things.

Killua:: And how is that different?

Kiba:: Do I really need to get into this now? * -_- *

Killua:: Yes, you do. *shoves hands into his pockets, staring at him*

Kiba:: No.

Killua:: Yes.

Kiba:: No.

Killua:: Yes.

Kiba:: No. *glare*

Killua:: Yes. *stubborn look*

Kiba:: No. *Equally stubborn look*

Killua:: Yes. *more stubborn, takes a step closer*

Kiba:: No. *Eyes narrow*

Killua:: If you want me to believe you, yes.

Kiba:: I don't need you to believe me. I know that it's a fact. That’s all I need.

Killua:: But since I don't believe you, I have no reason to stop bothering you.

Kiba:: You really need to get a different hobby. One that doesn't involve annoying people.

Killua:: I haven't found one yet. *pause* Aside from fighting.

Kiba:: Find one. Invent new kinds of chocolate or something. :|

Killua:: That sounds boring. Annoying you is more fun.

Kiba:: I don't see why. * -___- * Go annoy someone else.

Killua: You want more chocolate?

Kiba:: ................................................................................................*glare* I don't like you.

Killua: You do. *grin* And you like chocolate. *holds out the box for him to pick whatever he wants*

Kiba:: No. I don't like you. *glances at the chocolate* And I don't want your chocolate. *Glares again*

Killua: *steps closer so he's almost pushing the box against his chest*

Kiba:: *Refuses to back away, and he glares down at the younger (THOUGH HE'S REALLY OLDER) male.* No. N-O.

Killua: *really pushes the box against his chest*

Kiba: *Pushes the box back*

Killua: Go ahead.

Kiba: No.

Killua:: But it's good.

Kiba:: I'm not taking it.

Killua:: Take it.

Kiba:: No.

Killua:: Yes.

Kiba:: No. NO.

Killua:: *picks out some of his favorite chocolates, before suddenly moving forwards and grabbing Replace: Kiba's wrist, turning his hand palm up and placing the chocolates there, letting go and stepping back*

Kiba:: *glares at Killua I'm not going to eat it. I'm going to drop it on the ground. And waste it.

Killua:: So do that. *shrugs*

Kiba:: Take it back.

Killua:: No. *smirk*

Kiba:: *Glare* *drops it* :|

Killua:: You're littering the ground, which helps destroy the planet. A very human thing to do of you. Selfish.

Kiba:: Something will come along and eat it. Eventually. *>_>*

Killua:: What about the wrapper?

Kiba:: ..............*picks it up and unwraps it* There. *drops it again*

Killua:: *catches it before it hits the ground, straightens up and shoves it into Kiba's mouth* Eat. Don't turn into a human. Even I don't throw stuff on the ground.

Kiba:: *Growls* Shut up. I'm not turning into a damn human, and I don't want it. *Shoves it away and his hair stands on end slightly*

Killua:: Your choice. *shrugs* You're the one who came here though, and I told you we'd eat sweets.

Kiba:: I didn't come here because I wanted to. It was an accident.

Killua:: You walked through a portal. *skeptical*

Kiba:: I thought.....It might lead to paradise.

Killua:: ... you'd be easy to catch in a trap. *unimpressed*

Kiba:: I could get out of a trap. So it doesn't matter if I get caught in one or not. *Isn't trying to impress*

Killua:: That depends on the trap, doesn't it?

Kiba:: Yeah. *shrugs*

Killua:: What if that portal had led to a trap you couldn't get out of? You could have died. *might be a little bit worried*

Kiba:: ...Then I would have died.

Killua:: Be more careful, then.

Kiba:: I'm not worried about my life.

Killua:: .... I'm guessing your pack probably is. *has been yelled at for that exact thing a few times now*

Kiba:: If I died, Tsume would take over. They might care, but they'd move on.

Killua:: ... they'd miss you.

Kiba:: Not for long.

Killua:: Is that what wolves do?

Kiba:: It is.

Killua:: So that's what makes you different from humans. *frowns a little*

Kiba:: We don't dwell upon things we can't change.

Kiba:: *shrugs*

Killua:: ... you still miss your old pack. *suddenly remembers*

Kiba:: Yeah. But I've always been a little different.

Killua:: Are you sure they're not the same?

Kiba:: You should meet some of the other wolves in my fandom. They don't care.

Killua:: *grins* You'd introduce me to them?

Kiba:: ...............................................................No.

Killua:: That's basically what you just said.

Kiba:: It's not what I meant.

Killua:: Maybe I'll make friends with Toboe and he'll introduce me to them.

Kiba:: Toboe likes humans. That won’t be a challenge for you. :|

Killua:: ... I don't make friends for the challenge. *confused*

Kiba:: ......Yet again. That's not what I meant.

Killua:: .. what did you mean? *still confused*

Kiba:: I meant that he'd accept you as a friend. He'd WANT to be your friend. *sigh*

Killua:: Good. *places both arms behind his head, smiling a little*

Kiba:: :| Yeah. I'm going home now.

Killua:: *grins* I made you taste chocolate.

Kiba:: So what.

Kiba:: I win.

Kiba:: ..............................................I'm leaving now.

Killua:: Go ahead. I still win. *grinning more*

Kiba:: Win what?

Kiba:: :|

Killua:: You said you'd never do anything with me.

Kiba:: I didn't WANT to do this with you.

Killua:: *smirk* Then why didn't you leave right away?

Kiba:: The portal closed.

Kiba:: ............

Kiba:: How am I supposed to get back.

Kiba:: D:

Killua:: ... you know how to travel between fandoms, right? *tilts head, studying him*

Kiba:: .......Not really. *Blinks, slips his hands into the pockets of his jeans*

Killua:: *evil grin* So you're depending on me to help you back?

Kiba:: .......................I'll find my own way back.

Kiba:: *turns and walks away*

Killua:: Only foxbears in that direction.

Kiba:: .............................I'll ask them then. :|

Killua:: .... how? They're not exactly friendly. Also, they don't know.

Kiba:: I can talk to other animals. *blinks* Does anyone other then YOU know?

Killua:: Gon knows. He's the only one around here who does, aside from me.

Kiba:: I'll ask him then.

Killua:: He's my best friend. *smile* Want me to take you to him?

Kiba:: .........................................................................You're annoying.

Killua:: I know. Want me to take you to him?

Kiba:: No. I'll find my own way. *Being stubborn again*

Killua:: By following me?

Kiba:: No!

Killua:: Then I'll get there first, and I'll tell him not to tell you. *grins evilly again*

Kiba:: ......I really don't like you.

Killua:: Too bad. You wanna have dinner with us?

Kiba:: No. *stomach growls* ............D:

Killua:: Mito-san is making a huge dinner, since Gon and I are leaving again. *trying to tempt him* You said you wanted to try more
human foods.

Kiba:: ....*So not tempted*.......*Maybe a little*........*Very* No D:

Killua:: Come on. You'd be more than welcome. And there's probably desert.

Kiba:: I have to get back to my pack.

Killua:: You can get back later.

Kiba:: ..........................................

Killua:: .........................

Kiba:: ...............................................................................................................................................................................................................

Kiba:: *RELUCTANT* Fine.

Killua:: *grin* And I promise to help you back to your pack after. This way. *picks up his backpack again and turns around, starting
to walk*

Kiba:: *Follows, reluctantly* Fine.

Killua:: You'll enjoy the food. And you'll definitely love Gon. *thinks everyone loves Gon*

Kiba:: ...Is that the guy whose head looks like a birdie.

Killua:: ... yes. And everyone says that.

Kiba:: I can see why.

Killua:: Well, yeah. His hair is really weird.

Kiba:: ...How does it stay up.

Killua:: ... I don't think we'll ever know the answer to that.

Kiba:: ......It...defies gravity....*confused*

Killua:: It's Gon *shrug*

Kiba:: Oh. *doesn't really know what that means but he's gunna let it drop*

Killua:: *just doesn't think Gon ever makes any sense* It will take us about ten minutes to walk, by the way. Unless you want to run.

Kiba:: I don't mind running. But I'd rather do it in my wolf form.

Killua:: I can keep up no matter how fast you run. *grins*

Kiba:: Oh really. *eyebrow lifts*

Killua:: Really. *smirks*

Kiba: We'll see about that. *Turns into a snow white wolf* On three?

Killua:: Sure. *starts counting* One... two... three..!

Kiba:: *Takes off at a fast pace* :D *likes to run*

Killua:: *runs after him, keeping up easily* *likes challenges*

Kiba:: *enjoying running along* 8DDDDDD

Killua:: *can tell, even though it's harder when he's in his wolf form* *may be taking longer route back so they can run more*

Kiba: *Loves running freely more then anything* 8DDDDD How much farther?

Killua:: That depends, do you want to keep running?

Kiba:: I love to run.

Killua:: Then it's a bit longer. *grins, enjoying this as well*

Kiba:: Fine. 8D

Killua:: *speeds up a little, just to see if Kiba will too*

Kiba:: *sees Killua: speed up and his instincts order him to go faster, so he does*

Killua:: *is so going to tease him about the fact that he enjoyed doing something with a human later*

Kiba:: *is going to smack himself later*

Killua:: *will never let him live this down*:

log tiem yey

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