Why yes, I would LOVE to sell you some of my creepy paintings and other art!
You will never find reproductions of this painting in your neigbor's house. One of a kind; no copies. It's acrylic on stretched canvas over wooden framework. Titled "Paranoia", it would be the perfect gift for that psychiatrist in your life... or delusional schizophrenic. It would also go well hung up in your walk-in closet or bathroom to weird out unsuspecting guests or your mother-in-law. :D
No reproductions or copies of this except in digital format. It's acrylic on flat canvas on a cardboard backing. The canvas and cardboard is warped a bit, which just ADDS to the sheer charm of this painting. Put up in the guest bedroom to shorten your in-laws stays. Put high up in creepy corners to scare the crap out of unobservant folk. This painting is also good for irl trolls who like complicated pranks, and halloween.
This is yet another somewhat creepy--except not--acrylic painting. (Stretched canvas over wooden framework.) Weird-ass painting of a skull, this would be acceptable decoration for Halloween. Don't want an actual skull hanging around for young children to smooch? Still want that vibe of Halloween, with maybe an added Mexican flair that is only potentially there in the orange background? YOU WANT THIS PAINTING.
Titled "Love", this art is done in earth tone pastel and black charcoal.
Get your Indie art spirit on with an obscure piece. I have no idea how to ship this as affixing the pastel would change the color, and not affixing the pastel would lead to it smudging. >,>
Depending on the price, this piece may or may not be for sale. >>
It is done in watercolor pencil, without having added water. (yeah.)
The best and most intriguing part of this piece is that if you cover the right portion of the face, it looks like a woman. If you cover the left portion, it looks like a dude. If you cover both sides of the face, you're looking at lines on a piece of paper posing as hair.
(sizes and tentative prices available upon request. or negotiable. (the prices are negotiable. not the sizes.))
(the other thing non-negotiable is that you pay shipping)