Mar 06, 2006 12:55
Ladies, Gentleman, Joe...
What a week, I can safely say that was the best week of my life. In the studio all day recording music, go back to the (haunted) cottage where we were staying and get out of our heads, listen to music and watch wrestling DVD's followed by Quizmania until half 3 in the morning.
This has confirmed in my head this is what I want to do with my life. No Doubt.
The week was full of absolute classic comedy moments, far too many to mention here, but in classic MOTD stylee lets have some highlights:
* Monday night T got so Monged that he could hardly speak except to shriek in a childish way "I WANT A YOGHURT!" I jumped out of a cupboard at Gav and made him almost die of a heartattack
* Tuesday we discovered the genius of Quizmania: "Ok, I'm looking for Jobs that begin with T...what's your answer?" "Erm...Doctor?" "No Dear, I said 'T'" "Oh Sorry! what an Idiot.....Is it Dentist?"
* Wednesday Chaz joined us for the revelry, a thousand and one catchphrases were spawned that night, most notably 'quiet you' 'is it Taxidermist?' and my personal favourite 'I'm going to smack your Crab Patch with my Clam Mallet'
* Thursday we went to see Death Cab For Cutie, it was a long drive... oh ang Gav saw the gates of hell in Nottingham. Their support act must have won the oscar for Dullest Band In An Outstanding Feature. Death Cab themselves were unbelievable. Somehow (!) we managed to convince Chaz to stay for one more night. he didn't leave until Sunday.
* Friday we finished the vocals so we decided to have a big blow out and get REALLY fucked (because before that we were keeping it cool!). Chaz purchased a 2 litre bottle of '3 Hammers' cider from Netto... which he drank, along with Vodka. He was sleeping on the floor within about an hour...then something happened with a spoon.. but I can't remember... and then he woke up and was sober as a stoat! Wierd times. We hit the Hay at about half 4 and slept til noon.
* Saturday was mixing day so we took it easy, came back and had the standard issue session. It was a slightly somber night as everyone was sad that it was the last night. We still had a great night and listened to some rough mixes and tried to decide on an album name ('What the Ghost?' being my favourite) before retiring early (half 3) to bed as we had to be out the cottage by 11.
* Sunday we finished up the CD and drove home, perhaps the best week of my life, and I'll never forget it.
Aside from all this partying we have managed to create an album that far surpasses anything we've ever done before and i've never been so proud of anything in my life. Head over to myspace/purevolume to chack out some tracks or let me know your address and I'll send you a CD.
For now,