
Apr 28, 2009 04:24

Prompt: Mythological Creatures
Fandom/Pairing: News/Fake News/Pundits, Stephen/Anderson
Rating: G
Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction, and is not intended to slander or spread libel about the real life individuals depicted in this short. The Colbert Report is the intellectual property of VIACOM.
Author's Note: I hijacked a few prompts from an enormous list of various prompts and themes I found throughout LiveJournal. Sorry for not following the rules of the communities that originally provided them.

”…and if you add a horn, he becomes a unicorn! That must be the reason why he hasn’t gotten shot yet! He’s a unicorn in disguise and the invisible horn wards off bullets! Except silver bullets…no, wait, that’s vampires-”

Anderson paused the recording and turned to Stephen.

“I can’t believe you called me a unicorn.”

“It could’ve been worse,” Stephen said nonchalantly. “I could’ve called you an ‘Andercorn’.”

“A what?”

“You owe Jon your reputation. He just saved you an entire year of mockery.”

Anderson sighed and slumped, sank into the couch. “Why do I put up with you?”

Stephen grinned at him, cocking an eyebrow, and invalidated the question.

rating: g, fan fiction: rps, fan fiction: series, fandom: pundit round table, 2009, pairing: prt: stephen/anderson, story: 7 the colors of the rainbow

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