I am never allowed back on TV Tropes again I fucking swear. Had a not-so-mild breakdown/freakout on their Star Trek (2009) page over things ranging from Christopher Pike calling Starfleet "a humanitarian and peacekeeping armada" to Leonard Nimoy being moved to tears over Karl Urban's portrayal of Leonard McCoy.
What the fuck happened. I'm suddenly generating all these thinky thoughts over what I consider to be a previous fandom. I don't do previous fandoms, okay? I blaze through a fandom and never look back. I don't... turn around and run back to Star Trek and The Lord of the Rings.
It doesn't happen.
So continues the discussion of Nyota Uhura, her role in NuTrek, and her relationship with Spock, and a shit ton of formidable intersectional meta. My personal favorite is
meta about Jim Kirk, Spock, Bones McCoy, and Nyota Uhura being the new OT4, which I am behind 1000000000%.
I had thinky thoughts about AOS!Starfleet's role as an armada and how the Narada event changed Starfleet's direction and made it even more militaristic than it already is/was in the TOS'verse TV series and films. I had thinky thoughts about the so-called "Remembrance Day" concept that floats around fics on occasion, and a better understanding of why it would/wouldn't make sense. I had thinky thoughts about a film and I never do that. I never actively question aand wonder and ponder. I just take what's given, study canon some more, and then skip ahead to "what happens after?"
Clearest example? Tron. I don't talk headcanon about programs and Users and ISOs and circuits and armor and how this and why that. I don't care. I just like to make shit up as I go, which is quite frankly a bad idea, but so far I haven't royally fucked up my fanon continuity, so yay? But that's the thing - I don't wonder how circuits work on the Legacy!Grid. I don't talk about the city infrastructure. I don't delve into the minds of characters that died by the end of Legacy. Then again I didn't play Evo or watch Uprising, so probably 75% of all meta activity would fly the fuck over my head.
But NuTrek? I talk to what's 85% a fucking void about whatever comes to mind, be it the goal and purpose of Starfleet, Jim's psychological makeup, my irrational love for Bones McCoy, Nyota's importance and relevance, why some fics go overboard with the "Remembrance Day" idea and what that could mean, how and where Tarsus IV can fit into NuTrek canon, Spock's inner war, just how would Abrams & Co. remix old material with new additions, what do the red herrings mean, what do older captains and commodores and admirals and whatnot feel about Captain James T. Kirk, etc, etc, etc, etc, etc.
And The Hobbit! The Lord of the Rings! I need to reread The Hobbit, LOTR, and The Silmarillion so fucking badly (which I can't because two of the three books went missing years ago) just to see how well Peter Jackson & Co. wove in scenes and things from the three books to make a more coherent - if at times incredibly long-winded - story. Radagast being in the movie at all made me 8D but the scene with appearances by Galadriel and Saruman? Flipped. My. Shit. I refuse to understand why Jackson & Co. decided to break The Hobbit into three movies (I blame Harry Potter and Twilight) but man am I ever excited to see what these guys do with the next two parts. How else are they gonna weave The Hobbit, The Silmarillion, LOTR, and LOTR's Appendices? I wants to know, damn it!
I think I have an even more irrational fear that I'm slipping away from Tron because I can't come up with these thinky-thought things for it and all I can ever talk about is Pilots!verse and Princess Bride AU and Sam/Tron and I'm honest-to-god certain that people are sick of my one note that I warble 24/7. I get so damn nervous when I make a plurk to deconstruct Sam/Tron, so nervous that I end up not deconstructing when I know I need to for a peace of mind, because I'm singing that one fucking note again and how many people are sick and tired of that and just want me to shut the fuck up, talk about something else?
Except lately, when all I can talk about is Jim/Bones, NuTrek, and Tolkien.
The meta post I linked is basically what I want from future movies and what I love in fics I read (with an emphasis on Jim/Bones because they're just so fucking fun and intriguing to read). While it's JJ Abrams and just the first nine minutes of a movie I have high hopes that we'll get to see the OT4 in action with their lovely webs of connection and parallel dynamics.
... the original reason for this entry was for me to say that somehow I have acquired over 2500 words of a NuTrek horse racing AU where I took Bones' line about Jim - "If you're gonna ride in the Kentucky Derby, you don't leave your prize stallion at the stable." - and ran off with it.
You think the Tron horse racing AU was bad? Try one where Jim Kirk is both a person named Jim Kirk and a horse named Starfleet Captain, Christopher Pike is the owner/trainer, Spock is his assistant, Nyota Uhura is Pike's eyes and ears and financial advisor, Bones McCoy is the trackside vet who just happens to favor Pike's barn, Hikaru Sulu is an exercise rider, Pavel Chekov is an apprentice jockey with a Russian accent, and Montgomery Scott is... Scotty.