Title: I Owe You A Love Song [19/?]
Fandom(s): TRON: Legacy/The Princess Bride
Characters/pairing: Sam Flynn/Tron; Quorra, Anon, Ed Dillinger, Jr., Ed Dillinger, Sr., Jordan, Clu, Radia, Zuse, Gem, Alan & Lora Bradley, Dumont, Jarvis, Sark, Kevin, the MCP, etc. (Jeebus Christmas, y’all)
Rating: T+
Word count: 984
Disclaimer: All television shows, movies, books, and other copyrighted material referred to in this work, and the characters, settings, and events thereof, are the properties of their respective owners. As this work is an interpretation of the original material and not for-profit, it constitutes fair use. Reference to real persons, places, or events are made in a fictional context, and are not intended to be libelous, defamatory, or in any way factual.
Summary: Horses are lightcycles, ships are Solar Sailers and Recognizers, Prince Edward Dillinger, Jr. of the Grid needs a reason to go to war with Bostrum, and Sam just wants Tron and his father back.
Author's Note: It's been the ass end of July since I last updated and the early part of August since I last touched the documents. That is one hell of a hiatus.
But guess what? I'm back and now that the plot is finally rolling the updates will keep happening. Fingers crossed!
...but if the new chapters are anything like this emotional wrecking ball of an update I'm gonna be in a lot of trouble. Emotionally. And it's all for you and my favorite characters that I love to put through hell. /this is not an April Fool's joke
“This is interesting.”
Tron guides Sam behind him and reaches for his disks. He looks between the bespectacled human with a passing resemblance to Sam and the Basic who ruined his life as he pushes Sam back towards the Canyon.
“Give him up, Pirate,” the prince says.
“Not the answer I was looking for,” Prince Edward says. A light cane hangs from his arm. “Let’s try again - let him go.”
The war minister’s helmeted head is tilted towards Sam and fury flares up in Tron as he nudges Sam back another step. You can’t have him.
“Don’t make it harder than it has to be. You’ll never get out of this alive unless you-”
“He’s not holding the prince hostage.”
Clu takes a step towards Sam and Tron reorients himself to shield him. He notes movement in the background and estimates at least six Black Guards moving into position around them. The odds of surviving the impending battle drop but there’s still a sliver of a chance...
“What are you talking about?” Prince Edward demands.
“Take a look, Your Highness. There’s nothing preventing him from escaping. In fact the Pirate is protecting him from us.” Clu starts walking, helmeted head turned to Sam as he circles them. Tron feels Sam backing up against him, tense with fear. “Makes you curious, doesn’t it? Makes you wonder what happened in the Canyon.”
“Not your business,” Sam spits out. “Let him go. He’s not hurting anyone.”
“He’s a Dread Pirate,” Prince Edward says. “A criminal with a record of committing acts of terrorism against this kingdom, including kidnapping you-”
“Saving me from others!”
“Yeah, because that’s what Dread Pirates do. They rescue royals from their kidnappers because they want to. You can’t be this stupid-”
“Speak for yourself-”
“I spent several days in the Outlands trying to save an idiot of a brother-”
“You dragged me into this life-”
“If I may, Highness,” the war minister interrupts. “If I remember correctly, consorting with criminals of this class is treason and we don’t allow traitors to the crown to live.”
Tron jerks his head to the war minister and Sam gasps, presses up against him. Even the prince looks taken back.
“I told Mother I was bringing him back alive,” Prince Edward says. “I’m not killing him.”
“Think about it,” Clu purrs. “Dread Pirates don’t save people, and your brother isn’t attempting to escape him. Either they came to an agreement while running through the Canyon or they made one before he was kidnapped.”
Is the war minister actually suggesting that he and Sam are plotting against the throne? Where is he getting this from and what’s his end game?
“But you-” The prince catches himself. “You need to make certain before you execute them.”
“You’re joking,” Sam says shakily. “You’re fucking joking. You actually believe him?”
“I trust the war minister in these matters. Don’t make it hard for me or our mother, Sam. I’d hate to tell her what you’ve been plotting behind our backs.”
“You’ll kill him if I go with you.”
“So you’re gonna take your chances fighting us-” Prince Edward makes a gesture and eight Black Guards emerge from the brush to surround them. Tron reflexively reaches for his disks but the Guards grip their weapons as well, forcing him to lower his arm. “-and be labeled a traitor? You’ll lose the only family you have left.”
Tron glances over his shoulder at Sam and then at Clu and the Guards surrounding them, tries to imagine them escaping in one piece. His Recognizer is too far away and they don’t have lightcycles. The weight of the alternative starts sinking in and the rattling sound he can’t stop making suddenly becomes louder. The Guards flinch and Prince Edward frowns at him.
“Keep in mind, Sam,” Clu says, “if you do manage to get away, you’ll always be on the run from me. You know what that’s like, Pirate.”
Tron snarls and clenches his fists. “Don’t you dare.”
“It’s my job.” Clu folds his arms behind his back and faces them. “So what will it be? Will you surrender or try to fight your way out of this?”
“I’m not giving him up,” Sam says, and the Black Guards pull out their weapons.
He can’t lose Sam like this. He can’t protect Sam and fight Clu, let alone eight Guards and Clu, and guarantee their survival. Whatever happens to him Sam has to get out unscathed.
“And if I surrender?” Tron carefully asks. “What happens to Sam if I-”
“No!” Sam grabs his arm and pulls him around. “Are you crazy?”
“Do you see what we’re up against? We’re outnumbered, my Recognizer is too far away, and we can’t escape back to the Canyon. We won’t survive the fight-”
“You’re a Dread Pirate. We can try-”
“No.” Tron grips Sam’s shoulders tightly and looks him in the eye. “You’re not throwing your life away like this. Not for me.”
“I’m not losing you again.”
“You’re not dying for me.” The Guards take a step forward, slowly closing in around them. Prince Edward watches uneasily from the sidelines but Clu, Clu’s helmeted head is tilted towards them. Tron pulls Sam close, whispers, “You have to live.”
Sam takes a shuddering breath. “Five years, Tron. I can’t-not again- not without you-”
“You have to.” He won’t kiss Sam in front of the prince or Clu. He presses his lips to Sam’s forehead and pushes him back. “Take him.”
Two Guards escort Sam to the prince’s lightcycle and a third detaches himself from the circle to bring up the rear. Tron watches them leave, watches Sam look over his shoulder as the distance grows between them.
He hears something collapse and retract behind him and turns around. Kevin’s face stares back at him.
“Oh Tron,” Clu says. “I’ve been looking all over for you. Welcome back.”
18 [Interlude] ||
20 [The Revelation]