It's 2:12AM. I've been up since 3AM. Yep. One of *those* days.

Feb 18, 2012 02:11

When I'm in the middle of a massive artist's kick I don't eat. Like, I have absolutely no appetite or I just don't think about eating even when my stomach is cranky and growling furiously at me. Thank god for leftovers from Mimi's Cafe.

In other news, I bear art!

Commish for speccygeekgrrl

Have a second commish to do for her, so keep an eye out for it =3

And then there's this doozy I started working on because my Art 201 class massively improved my technique. It's incredibly how with four classes I've almost reverted back to my high school talents. I was damn good at my lines back then, and I want to recapture that awesomeness that got me accepted to Pasadena Art Center.

Of course I decided to tackle this moment of inspiration with gridsuits and hands.

Oh, and this is Sam/Tron, drawn using contour lines. Because I want to murder myself going anal with the details. Fuck. Also, thank god for Tronblr - they found me all the reference pics I could ever want when drawing Tronzler.'>

In conclusion -


!art commissions, oh god what the fuck, drawing is like cake, pairing: tron: sam/tron, art: general, 2012, graphics: pics or gtfo, fandom: tron & legacy, fandom: bbc sherlock, go to bed ffs, holy shit y'all, fan art: work in progress, that's a terrible idea shirozora, i cannot, what is this i don't even

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