Sometimes I make good decisions.

Jul 05, 2011 19:17

So I argued with Mom over staying at Grandma's for a week, mainly because she didn't want me to leave her side (fuck a duck) and because I made a Bad Decision and brought up Dad. First of all we cannot have the same opinion on everything. I only say yes and nod my head in agreement to end the conversation/argument faster. Second of all I'm the one who sees him and is stuck in the car with him for two hours whenever we go to Grandma's house.

So I made my case: I hadn't been with my grandma and aunt very often since I fucked off to college. The least I can do is hang out with them for several days every now and then, especially since I'm a jobless college graduate in a jobless market with no fucking clue what to do (for the time being; I'm working on it, I swear). Also, Mom can survive five days without me (where do I even begin) and Brandon will be there so she won't be totally alone.

One day with my grandma and aunt and I've come into possession The Lord of the Rings Blu-ray Extended Edition (my aunt noticed me drooling over it while we were at Target), have some more money to help fund this year's Comic Con adventures, and am hoping sheer force of will will make Steam's Dragon Age pack download even faster.

All in all, a very good day, with bonus "Sam Flynn the Professional Glowstick". :D!

2011, holy knuckleballs mom, holy shit this is awesome, gaming all the way, family matters, life or something like it, what is this i don't even, movies that blow socks off

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