So now I have not just a superhero kick but also a...Messiah/Jesus kick? Let's just say I want fic with a Messiah/Jesus!Dean. It would be hilarious, plus someone put forth a nice argument for Jesus not being the (American) conservative Christian type a lot of us (in the US, apparently) imagine him to be.
Still kicking around the potential for a Jesus!Castiel fic. It would be amazing.
Getting pressured into going to
KCCC USA Vision Conference 2010 - The Answer. What is it? Let me give you a big ass hint - KCCC = Korean Campus Crusade for Christ.
Mom and my friend don't seem to understand my fear of so many enthusiastically religious Koreans crammed into small spaces. They also don't seem to understand that I don't want to meet new people and make friends using a religious/Christian event as the middle man. I want to meet people outside it. Fucking hell, how hard is that to understand?
I just need to figure out what to do during the days my brother's gone. Mom and I had a fight on Monday, so. Things are not looking good on this end. Christ.
Also, I had a dream within a dream. Jared was "interrogating" Jensen on his relationship with Misha and all I remember is that Jared's room has a ton of trophies and Jensen's bed sheets had blue, green, pink, and white stripes. Then I woke up wondering what the fuck did I just dream, and then Mom woke me up saying breakfast is ready.
My mind. It boggles.