Defying paranormal YA trends is an excellent motivator, aka what the duck?

Aug 19, 2010 03:59

Because what is my life my sappy future-mpreg-domestic(ish)-kid!fic is currently 17 pages and 5,562 pages long. Guess what? I'm not done.

I feel like a piece of my soul dies every time I write a scene or something.

Question: for a fic with these genres, which title would fit better - Sunrise in Aries or Age of the Fifth Sun?

There are some books that should not exist. There are some books that should not go above and beyond the current trends in paranormal YA novels. There are certain novels that shouldn't go to the very extreme of several tropes. There are some books that make me wish censorship is okay - which should give you an idea of how fucked up they have to be for me to think this - for perpetuating rape culture, especially to the young and impressionable.

There are books like Hush. Hush by Becca Fitzpatrick. And they shouldn't exist.

ceilidh-ann has done a fantastic review of this book so that you don't have to. I encourage you to read it to get an idea of what's become acceptable in the YA publishing world.

But I'm not here to discuss the details of why this book is fucked up in all the worst ways (especially since I don't plan to read it, ever). I'm just going to drop off a bunch of tweets I made after reading it.

I feel a little bad about my origific but, um, m/m? Blasphemous m/m?

Um, my tweet about my origific being problematic but hey, it's got m/m? Not what you think. Mainly concerned that the genre I want to point and shoot at will probably reject it for failing some criteria. Fuck it, name me YA novels were the main characters aren't teens.

I'm talking current ones. The modern trends. I'll probably miss it by the time this shit gets written and all, but the idea is that I am disgusted by what's being published. Not sure that making only two of the core six characters female will help my case.

I want to portray female characters in strong relationships, but I'm more interested in writing them as asexual bamfs.

I can see the debate over it already. I can seriously imagine people accusing me of being sexist for not giving the females meaningful relationships and putting the guys over them. I can see them being critical and saying I'm just another author who's incapable of writing female characters who can be themselves AND be in a relationship. And then I'd grab my megaphone and say, "WHY DO THEY HAVE TO BE IN THEM?"

Why is it that every female character has to be in a relationship? Why to single females get so much stigma? Why don't asexuals exist?

I want to write a whoooole range of relationships, but I want to emphasize m/m, f/f, open relationships, and romantic friendships.

I want to write about two characters who love each other but don't want an actual romance or sex. They love each other and have other SOs.

I want to write OT3s. I need to read more OT3s, in origific and fanfic, to get some cogs and gears going.

The only ones I remember reading are Ten/Donna/Jack, Ten/Donna/Donna!Doctor, Jensen/Misha/Vicki (<3), and Eleventy/Amy/Vincent (<3)

I think this is why I get peeved whenever someone says zie hates that so many fanfics are about relationships. We get all we need from canon but canon enjoys being unfulfilling on the romantic end, which is what FANfic is for.

I'd like to think that a small % of people who don't like het don't because they know het relationships are more likely to become canon.

And that's the depressing thing-unless you get fucking lucky your slash ships will NEVER be fulfilled canonically.

Ugh, it is too late for me to make my own commentary regarding my tweets, so make of it as you will.

I want to eat some 육회 so badly. Gonna ask Grandma to make some the next time I go to her house.

Who wants Dreamwidth invite codes?

foodie trivia, twitter tweet tweet, opinion matters but not yours, 2010, fandom: general, books are generally very exciting, writing is hard, from livejournal to dreamwidth, story is the heart of the world, fan fiction: general, what the fuck is this, life or something like it

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