My Muse woke up tonight.(someone ranted about people abusing the word "muse" but what the fuck ever)
So instead of bitching about learning shit about American political parties and learning loads about the history of American economy I'm drawing...and possibly writing. But mostly drawing.
Chibis for a friend.
A mysterious black Asian girl who now has a tattoo on her left shoulder. I might actually blame Supernatural for this -
Cassie Robinson, yo - and because she's so sudden I have no name or reason for her to exist. Or maybe for some reason I like drawing her hair. Okay, I might have seen one too many Merlin icons around. Point is, who is she, I don't know. She just is.
Massive rambling about mysterious girl to surprise with what I think is a Dean/Castiel sketch thingy, the result of a weird progression of ideas: wall!sex --> failure at wall!sex --> woke up today and thought Gilgamesh, that fucking downer anime and the scene where Novem fucking licks the speck out of Kiyoko's eyes --> dude, that would be a really hot Dean/Castiel scene but that fits nowhere --> okay, that might fit somewhere in the NaNo, but differently --> rage against POLI100C --> I hate the world, I want off -->
ontd_political post about two different "scandals" at a school in New York(?) --> oh my fucking god student!Dean/teacher!Castiel, chalkboard, hello! --> rant about whether Dean is blond or pretty, not rugged or has viridian eyes or is skinny or is short or is uke or has freckles or something ridiculously stupid on
fanficrants that went from LOLZ to STFU --> I have watercolor paper --> I fucking hate this class, fuck the final --> I wanna draw that girl...and Mew...oh my god brick wall, ivy, rain, Dean whoa crowding him in much, Castiel hooking his fingers around belt loop HELLO FINAL 1878 DEPRESSION WHAT WHAT --> I can draw!
And for once I went backwards on NaNo - deleted three Paragraphs of D00m because I hated the everloving shit out of them.
Also, it's cold and Trader Joe's strikes again with bacon-wrapped scallops.
Sorry for grainy image but I'm not wasting time setting up my scanner and my piece of shit Fujitsu to scan in some fugly sketches.