How to shriek at a pretty, pretty picture (and not in a good way).

Aug 21, 2009 04:06

Really, I don't know what to do anymore.

Pretty, isn't it? Well it may look pretty but it sure as fuck ain't complete. It's not done, and I don't know how to go about it to make it "done". I've tried this and I've tried that, I've tested out brushes and colors and techniques, but nothing works, nothing pings. Maybe I'm not trying hard enough. Maybe I simply don't know enough, don't have enough of the how-to or the actual experience. Maybe I'm just too fucking scared to get it right.

I hate my deviantART page. Why? Because everything's either lineart, screencaps like that up there, or cell-shaded pieces with no fucking background. I want to get actual finished pieces of artwork up there, and it's just not happening. I'm a fucking artist who doesn't know what the fucking hell to do with herself. Do you have any idea how it feels to be talented yet isn't capable of actually using the fucking talent? All that potential and no fucking idea how to use and abuse it to its fullest.

It really makes me want to cry.

Take it away, Ari Gold.

...nope, still feeling pissed off. Let's try that again.

fandom: supernatural, graphics: gifs & animations, fan art: work in progress, 2009, life or something like it, ranting for great justice

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