Morphing Grid [Super Sentai/Power Ranger/Kamen Rider based]- The earth's defenders have vanished, and an evil force is approaching Earth. The only hope is to bring forth other people from other worlds and teach them the mantle to becoming the defenders with the data from the morphing grid. However, what they do with the power given is their choice.
Mad Academy [Horror/Crack/High School based]- Some crazy jack ass has obtained the ability to control time and space, and has created a hundreds story tall building. Specifically a school? But it's cut off from the rest of reality on it's own open canvas that seems to spread for forever. And what attends this school? People from other worlds of course! He brings them in and lets them frolic about, while also doing his own twisted tricks for amusement. Attend class or don't, he doesn't care, just don't get violent at him or he might put you into "detention".
Skaiabound [Homestuck based]- You got a game in the mail, or from a friend, or it dropped out of the sky, who the hell knows. As soon as you pop it in- Shenanigans ensue and you are thrust into a new universe, a multitude of planets/lands interconnected by levels and portals. Why are you here? To stop a war- oh and also make another universe to escape to once you finish that war. Unless you want to stay there for some weird reason.
DigiWorld [Digimon based]- You got a game from somewhere (i'm so originalz) and as soon as you install it- you are yanked into your own computer screen by some monster hand. You land on a world very similar to earth, and besides you is a strange device with a little 8-bit picture of something inside it. When you release it, one of two things happen, you either absorb the data of the creature and gain the ability to become it, or the creature appears and explains how you are its partner. This is a digimon, and it has a special quest for you. To stop the powers trying to destroy the digital world, as well as claw its way into the real world. Don't worry, there's plenty of time to prepare, but in that time to prepare you better be ready to fight other digimon, both wild and servants of the evils.
???? [surreal/crack/free range]- You died. Yup. So where do you want to go? Hell, Heaven, Valhalla? Well it doesn't matter actually because the afterlife looks exactly like Earth, except for you know the angels and demons and what not fighting each other. So here's the deal passed onto you when you woke up in Earth but not- a note was given has a chance at reincarnation, that being two conditions. 1) Die, because if you die you kinda' got nowhere else to go but back as a new life. 2) Locate God. Yeah God kinda' went out for a stroll and has been missing for a while, and since the angels and demons have been fighting and what not, or acting too caught up in their duties, to try and figure out what went down- so the only one that's been trying, Metatron, left everyone with that note. Of course you don't have to do this, you are entirely free to just wander about the afterlife, and "live" there...or get strung up in the fight and finish business and scheme as you did in your previous life.
Meta Archives [Crack based]- So you remember those old Looney Tunes in Libraries where the characters from the books came to life and interracted and got into shenanigans? What would you say to that if it was based on every version of fiction, not just books? Characters crawling out of TV sets, crawling out of panels of comic books, spilling out of the monitors of computers. They're all aware they are from a universe not like this one (something like being aware of the 4th wall)- but they still act as if they do within their universe, as if it doesn't matter which they are in. Now in what such a place could these characters appear? Why not the same place as those cartoons. A giant library, filled with all forms of media, to which they are miniscule thumbnail sized people in comparison to it. There is only one actual person there, an old, rich, eccentric librarian that bought the library and adds to its stock continuously, even if nobody comes by it. The librarian knows of the little characters, but they don't do anything about it, and is in fact quite amused by their antics in the elder years. So how about keeping them delighted with your antics?
Feel free to give me criticism and/or assistance.