Ride the Dark Fanfic

Mar 29, 2011 19:33

Title: Ride the Dark Chapter 3: Ranger no Sekai part 2
Series: Kamen Rider, Code Geass, Power Rangers, Futari Wa Pretty Cure
Rating: PG-14/T
Warnings: Violence, AU, Pseudo-Death


The red clad Ranger stood in the midst of fallen robotic foot soldiers and a staggering, bruised Toad looking monster. It approached the monster slowly, a sword clasped tightly in his hand.

“N-No way one Ranger could take on this kind of force by itself! This wasn't what I was told!” it croaked and whined as his assailant raised his blade.

“WHAT ARE YOU!” The monster cried out before being slashed by the sword and exploding. With the monster fell and the foot soldiers' broken bodies vanishing, he answered the late beast's question.

“I am a savior,” with that said he looked up at the building in front of where he battled the monsters. At a balcony overseeing the fight a robot that looked much like a regal gentleman glared down at the Red Zeo Ranger. Gotou, the Ranger, pointed up at this droid as if to challenge him.

“Tsk, to think you'd come back to haunt me, Zeo Ranger,” he turned on a heel and leapt up towards the top of the building, out of sight of the Ranger. He walked across the roof to his partner, a woman dressed in golden armor of a Scorpion like design.

“I thought you said this would be a good place for a test run of our forces, Scorpina. Yet there is a Ranger, a Zeo Ranger no less, right out there that single-handedly destroyed that wretched monster of yours!” The enraged robot shouted at the woman, waving his hand in a threatening manner before pointing right at her. She swatted his hand out of her face and grabbed him by the cloak to show him what was on the other side of that same building.

“You know you're not the only one frustrated by these little problems, Gasket,”Scorpina stated, motioning to the fleet of foot soldiers and a Clock like monster had been plowed over by a Blue Jeep, the monster stepped on and broken by the Blue Turbo Ranger. He glanced up at the building where the villains were currently standing. Gasket swore and mumbled, before pulling himself from Scorpina's grasp and walking towards an opening portal.

“Best to retreat then. These annoyances aren't just simple brats with amazing power anymore...” Gasket continued to grumble while Scorpina sighed.

“Yeah, they just might even be Warriors now. How long have they been chasing you again?” Scorpina asked sarcastically. Gasket shook his head muttering something along the lines of 'ten years' before stepping into the portal with Scorpina and vanishing, the portal closing behind them.

Back on the ground Red Zeo had rounded the corner and run into Blue Turbo, who had untransformed. The young boy that once helped the Rangers was now a rather well built young man, with slightly spiked hair. Justin glanced to the Red ally and smiled at him.

“You really know how to handle yourself huh? Guess if you're a Ranger it's only natural,” Justin said, complimenting the Ranger as he untransformed. Gotou gave his usual flat expression, however the way he looked to the side awkwardly was enough to tell he was embarrassed.

“I am just doing what should be done... I have to save these worlds,” Gotou explained, earning a laugh from Justin. The Blue Turbo gave a look to his beeping vehicular companion Storm Blaster, which just seemed ready to get going.

“Alright let's go, Adam's probably been waiting for us for a while. These guys were quite the sidetrack,” He said to Gotou, patting him on the shoulder and then heading for Storm Blaster's driver's seat. The other worldly ally followed after him, getting into the passenger's seat. He seemed a bit depressed though for some reason. Justin had an idea though, since Gotou had told his story before having to face Gasket and Scorpina's forces.

“Don't worry, we can get you a motorcycle soon enough,” Justin stated smirking a bit, and then started his drive towards the photo studio Adam had told him about. As they left the scene, the front doors of the building where both pushed open and a man nonchalantly walked out. Daiki Kaito stared at the back of the Jeep as it sped off, and smiled wickedly.

“This time Narumi-san won't be able to get in my way. That treasure... the Zeonizers, those will be in my hands soon.”

High in the sky the Yellow Wild Force Ranger jumps and escapes from her exploding jet and lands on the cockpit of a small alien fighter craft, specifically the one that just shot her jet down. Her fist comes crashing through the glass and grabs out the black skeletal designed foot soldier, she quickly flings the being out into the sky, to get plowed by another passing jet. On the wing it's torn in half, revealing a robotic inside.

“Guess I should have figured they were robots,” she says to nobody in particular as the ship begins to plummet. She leaps again, spreading the wings under her arms and landing on the back of another jet, riding towards the large ship the alien fighters were coming from. The jet made a sharp turn and she leapt again, and continued on hopping across ships until she landed in the dock they were flying out from. She jerked her head up and spotted even more of the same foot soldier she had just bisected.

“Looks like it's time to get to work then, wouldn't you say so?” Taylor asked this and tossed out a box like device in the middle of them, producing a pink portal. The foot soldiers glanced in and were only met with several laser shots to the face, taking down a number of them. They backed up as the Pink Time Force Ranger jumped out and twisted backwards in the air, moving back and landing next to Taylor.

“Is this good enough for you, Jen? We're inside the ship,” Taylor commented, bringing up her Eagle Sword as if it appeared from nowhere. Jen rolled her eyes and brought up her Chrono Sabers, pointing one at the group of foot soldiers.

“I was hoping you could actually get me in front of R2 before setting up the portal. Now you're just going to make it take forever to get back. You're lucky I have sick days I can use,” Jen stated and got a laugh from Taylor, as both started walking towards the soldiers. Their enemies finally got the nerve to charge the Rangers and they were quickly starting to dwindle in number as the two sliced them down, and threw a number of them out the open dock.

Cutting a path through the minions they made their way to the head of the ship, and kicked in the door. They both aimed their respective Blasters at the back of the chair, set in front of a large central console. The chair twisted around and R2, without his helmet nor his impressively ridiculous cape, stared at them with a smirk. Both of his purple eyes were fixated on their Helmets, and his head rested in his hand. Taylor's eyebrows knitted together behind her visor. Jen didn't tell her R2 actually looked like this, and it would have been good to know.

“My you did get in here and track me down quick, didn't you Rangers?” R2 chuckled a bit, seeing Taylor's grip on her weapon tighten a bit. Jen glanced at her ally and then turned her attention quickly back to the man she had apparently been coming after.

“Lelouch Lamperouge, aka R2, you're under arrest! I'm taking you back to the proper time-” Jen commanded the man, but only got a maniacal laugh in return as he stood up from his chair. Jen, in surprise, stepped back from him. It wasn't really a reaction you expected from a man with two laser guns pointed in his face.

“Wow, did they still have my real name on file? I'm actually quite shocked. Oh but yes the funny part. What exactly were you going to do once you brought me back? Its not like it's my proper world either Ms. Scotts. Besides I think Ms. Earhardt has something she'd like to say of me,” R2 spoke in a very matter of fact way. His head turned and he looked straight on at Taylor, eyes locking even through the visor of the helmet. Taylor gritted her teeth, both hands now on the blaster, shaking a bit as she pointed it at him. Jen looked at her ally, not entirely getting her reaction. Just a few moments ago they were gleefully cutting down R2's robot underlings.

“You-” Taylor growled out, quickly pointing her blaster past R2 and firing into the console R2 was turned to before they burst in. The man's eyebrows raised in surprise and he quickly turned his attention to the console. Sparks and bursts were coming out, and a warning was projected with a hologram. He turned back to the Rangers, Time Pink having grabbed Wild Yellow by the wrist to keep her from firing again. R2 smirked again at this little scene

“Oh, did you decide you want to go down with me? It won't do any good, I'm immortal you know.” R2 said, walking around them towards the corridor they entered from. Time Pink and Wild Yellow both grabbed him by a shoulder, Yellow applying a vice grip. His face turned from amused to bored. Warnings started to sound from every area on the ship, echoing between the corridor and the control room they were in, if one were to look out at the sky they'd see the ship was starting to fall.

“So, what are you two planning then?” He asked and Taylor reached to twist his neck. There was an audible crack and he fell to the floor.

“Now that you've relieved some stress, you ready to jump out the dock with his body?” Jen asked her ally and the other Ranger shrugged, picking the man up by the back of his outfit and hauling him over her shoulder. He was... strangely light so it wasn't much problem carrying him. Both rushed through the shaky and plummeting ship, quickly getting to the dock and jumping out the open bay doors. Instead of falling to their doom, both landed on the waiting Time Jet. Unfortunately the landing was less than stellar.

Taylor fumbled R2's body and the man fell off the glider, and R2 dropped down with his fleet. Just as they looked down at him falling though, he had recovered and smirked, giving a quick salute to them both as a portal opened below him and he vanished through. Before they could fly in though it closed and they were left to watch the battleship and fighters crash into the sea.

“We had him, ugh, I can't believe I did that!” Taylor said, smacking her the side of her head repeatedly with her hand. Jen shook her own and they both flew down with the rest of the jets, a mission well done. Jen looked over to the aggravated Yellow Ranger and her tone became a bit irritated herself.

“You know, we still have to go see Adam and meet that Decade guy after this,” Jen said, which earned a groan from Taylor.

“That's ... awesome.”

Within hours all the Rangers selected had gathered at the Hikari Studio, and shortly after them Diaki much to the studio's inhabitants surprise.

“When did you leave, Kaito?” Tsukasa asked as the thief moved to sit at the table across from Yusuke, not answering the photographer. He simply gave a shrug and watched as Adam started giving out instructions to the other Rangers. Tsukasa huffed, and flicked his hand wondering why he even cares what his secondary Rider gets up to.

“Anyways,” Adam started, “you all should know about Decade, that'd be Tsukasa over there. But that's not the important thing. What is important, is getting Kuuga, that's Yusuke, back on his feet. And just the way to do that is help them drive out Black Ghost.”

“We already cleaned out a good lot of Black Ghosts forces,” Taylor retorted, “why can't they sort out the rest without us?” Natsumi sighed. This was going to be the difficult one to work with apparently. She really had enough difficulty from Tsukasa. Before she could answer Yusuke got to his feet and drew everyone's attention together.

“Black Ghost isn't just a simple group of villains... they're monsters and manipulators that ruin entire worlds. We need all the help we can get if we are to defeat them, and you guys, this world's defenders! You're the best hope for helping beat them out of this world!” Yusuke stepped towards the group of Rangers until he was besides Adam. He looked them all dead in the eye, scanning across their faces. Taylor backed up a bit as Yusuke leaned close towards her, eyes narrowing. Suddenly he smiled at her.

“So won't you please help us?” the friendly man of many talents gave a thumbs up to her as he asked. The woman raised her eyebrow and then stepped back for some space.

“Alright, alright, I see your point... so when do we start cleaning them up?” Just as she asked this an explosion and peoples screams are heard outside the studio. Everyone quickly got from their seats and head for the door, and Daiki smirks before saying the first thing since he arrived.

“Sounds like we get started right now.”

As they step outside they are greeted by a wave of various grunts, ranging from Cogs to Putties to robotic Shocker Troopers to Masquerade Dopants. In the middle of the wave stood a sight that made Yusuke glare daggers: Cure Black and White.

“Hey, looks like that bucket of bolts was right, the Rangers were all gathered here!” Black cackled as she crossed her arms.

“Well of course, they'd run straight to the Hikari Studio, it's sort of obvious,” White retorted to her partner.

Adam rolled his shoulders and glanced at Yusuke and nodded as the Rangers and Riders stepped forth. The Cures both reached for "cellphones' with what looked like dried blood on them, and cards showing various images like monsters and the like.

“Looks like it's time to get to work,” Adam says while grabbing his Morpher. All the Rangers followed suit, and just behind them Tsukasa's group got into position beside Yusuke.


A brilliant flash of light exploded in front of the Hikari Studio and the battle began.

power rangers, code geass, kamen rider, pretty cure, fanfic

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