More bitching about Yahtzee... or just anti-RPG people

Jan 28, 2011 09:23

Okay you know what, what the fuck is people's problems where they thing Western RPGs are so fucking superiorly better than JRPGs?
It's all the same fucking horse, it's just painted different and the fights aren't predominantly turn based. If a game is killed for you because the main character is Cloud Strife 2.0+XPedition and beyond because of visual style then you are just a giant nitpicky puss. Although considering all your fucking examples are Final Fantasy X through XIII maybe you should learn how to retro and pick up a fucking copy of SIX before acting like a jack ass and generalizing based on the worst of the franchise outside of die hard Square fans, who probably just watched all the cutscenes on youtube instead of playing the game instead. Or get Chrono Trigger. Fucking something.

But you know what I can't fault you if you are not a fan of anime because you assume it is all fucking La Blue Girl or Higurashi. I mean it's so fucking hard to FIND A COPY OF BERSERK after all.

No what I keep seeing in the complaints of his goddamn reviews is that JRPGs have a "Linear Plot".
... are you fucking serious?
Of course a PLOT is Linear, THAT'S THE FUCKING POINT! IT'S CALLED THE GAME'S STORY. YOU START AT THE BEGINNING, GO TO THE MIDDLE, GET TO THE END, IN A STRAIGHT MOTHER FUCKING LINE! Every game has this, it's supposed to have it, it's just bogged down by fucking clone on the market syndrome. Even the Guitar hero games have a fucking simple linear story.

So what doesn't qualify as a linear story? Oh just Western RPGs where in the game is predominantly filled with side quests and dick fuckery that by the time you actually get from the beginning back to the main plot, or from a side story and back to the main plot, you've fucking forgotten what the hell the plot is. Like I could understand if you were shitting on it for being linear based on the fact that when you walk around you aren't allowed to deviate from a set path ala FF13 and FFX except for sidequests that nobody wants to play unless they're nuts.
So once again, thanks for proving yourself wrong about being an educated person, you giant douche.
Also to prove my point, using JRPGs not even JRPG fans would play in your damn visual aides for your reviews. Like BLUE DRAGON. Seriously, who the fuck played that? Stop being a douche and pick up Dragon Warrior 8 or something.

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