FANFICTION OH GOD/ The Harlot and The Dragon

Jul 11, 2010 18:08

Title: The Harlot and The Dragon; Chapter 1- Shining Knight
Series: Bleach
Rating: PG-14/T
Warnings: Yuri/Shojou Ai (ChizuTats), attempted rape
Disclaimer/Notes: Bleach is owned by Kubo Tite, this is purely a work of fan creation for the sake of free entertainment, etc. etc. Besides what's on the warning, this is written by ME so it has some not so friendly wording (we're all grownups though so :Db) and the pacing is...questionable, even after my third look over, but I am not good at prose anyways so-. Thank you crystaldawn for previewing first version. Reviews welcome.


How long had she been moping about since it was announced anyways. It was a bit after school hours, and it was about lunch when Orihime finally apologized for pushing her away herself before leaving with Ichigo. That “violent tomboy” didn't even have to intervene anymore, and the auburn-haired girl sighed as she sagged against the wall outside the gym.

“What am I supposed to do? My darling 'Hime doesn't love me anymore,” Chizuru let out tears, utterly depressed that her red-headed goddess had no interest in her. Especially now that she actually voiced it, and shattered the lesbian's denial like an antique vase.

“Well, I guess there are other fish in the sea...but she was the best catch of them all!” At this point she jumped up, trying to take a firm grasp on her broken dream. Though no amount of denial could glue it back together, and her head drooped. “Oh ... my sweet 'Hime … running off with that bleached brute ...”

Chizuru's head quickly snapped to the side as she heard something come around the corner though. She'd been feeling it for a while now, the eyes of something staring down her back. Even all the way to her home she had a felt she was being watched yesterday. Whoever the creeper was that had been approaching though was certainly taking their time. Chizuru almost felt like walking over to see just who's eavesdropping on her declarations.

It was a boy, who stared at her as he rounded the corner. She had this peculiar feeling like she had seen him before, but couldn't quite get a hold of his name. Although, that wasn't too surprising consindering the fact that she didn't pay much attention to the boys. She knew he went to the school, since he was wearing their uniform. Maybe it was one of those quiet boys from the back of the class, or a delinquent that skipped a lot, something to that degree. Either way his staring was getting to be more than unnerving

“What are you staring at?” The girl snapped at the man, adjusting her glasses so that the glint would hide her eyes.

It didn't seem to impress him and he came over to her, grabbing her by the arm, “I'm staring at the school dyke who still hasn't changed. You seem upset, how about I take what's troubling you off your mind? I'm sure one ride with me will get those stupid thoughts off your mind.”

Chizuru tried yanking her arm back, but couldn't get out of the hold. “Let go of me you jerk!” Before she could make a crotch shot he shoved her against the wall, arm shoved against her neck to pin her. She gasped and pulled at the arm trying to get it off, starting to panic now as he tore at her shirt. Chizuru tried to scream out but she could barely get in the air to just breath.

Then her eyes shot open as his hand tore something much more important than her shirt. Looking down she saw the remains of her underwear hit the pavement, and again she tried to scream, but couldn't get it out.

Suddenly an entirely new figure came around and tackled the guy to the ground. Chizuru slid down against the wall, taking deep breaths as she spotted her savior, Tatsuki, now wailing on the guy until his face was covered in enough bruises that nobody could recognize him.

The second strongest- no she was definitely the strongest girl in the school got up and shook the blood off her hands as she came back over to her classmate.

“What a alright?” Tatsuki questioned the other girl, extending a hand to help her back up. Chizuru only nodded before taking hold of the extended hand, pulling herself up, though she honestly couldn't say anything. Tatsuki had just saved her...her, the girl who probably got a busted nose the most for her own groping. Course she hadn't pulled anything like that guy was trying, but even so. Tatsuki yanked off her school sweater and tugged it onto Chizuru, being considerate to give the girl some dignity while they moved out from behind the gym

“Alright, we need to get you cleaned up, come on,” Tatsuki said as she helped the girl walk, even though she didn't need it, Chizuru still leaned against her classmate as they walked their way to the infirmary. The potential rapist though...his unconscious body soon vanished within seconds of them going, leaving just the puddle of blood and the shredded clothes.


“Tsk, to think that asshole just ran off before the cops could get him,” Tatsuki grumbled as she walked Chizuru home, the girl not having left her side since the attack, now wearing a fresh set of casual clothes. Tatsuki continued, “Lucky I got there before he did anything though, right?”

Chizuru frowned as she responded, “Yeah...I still don't get it though.”

“Don't get what?” Tatsuki gave a confused glance to her classmate.

“Why did you bother to save me? I mean, you're always kicking me off sweet sweet 'Hime,” Chizuru started off, “but you saved me from that guy. I'd figure you'd leave me to get my just deserts.”

Tatsuki rolled her eyes, “You get your just deserts every time I beat your face in. Besides what sort of decent human would I be if I saw that and just let it happen? Just cause you're a pain doesn't mean you aren't a woman too.”

That left Chizuru in the same state she had been in when Tatsuki had come flying in to save the day, utterly speechless. She always figured she was just some violent bitch that hated her, but Tatsuki had done something like that, and it seemed so out of left field at first.

“'Sides … we're friends aren't we?” the bespectacled teenager shot a shocked glance at the other girl while she kept talking to fill the silence, “I mean … you're friends with Orihime, and we always hang out together, so we're friends … really loosely defined ones, but still ones all the same.”

At that exact moment, Chizuru stared at Tatsuki, not like the violent whore she always thought her to be, but instead as some sort of goddess...a very under developed goddess, but beggars can't be choosers. The auburn-haired lesbian launched towards the karate champion and hugged her tightly, nearly throwing the girl off balance.

“H-hey, what the hell, Honsho!” Tatsuki yelled out, but didn't shove her off as this girl nuzzled against her.

“Ahaha, I can't believe this! Arisawa of all people~!” Chizuru looked into Tatsuki's eyes, her own alight with glee, while Tatsuki's were alight with confusion. That's when the bomb shell dropped, “You're just as pretty as any other, I see it now, my athletic knight in shining armor!”

Tatsuki knew where this was heading and she wasn't liking it. That means Tatsuki would get the same looks as the other girls now.

“Uh, H-honsho, we should really get you h-” before she could finish her sentence Chizuru's lips crashed against hers, arms wrapped around her neck. The shock of this all over whelmed the fact that this was her first kiss, not reacting in any way for a good few seconds before pushing Chizuru off. She gasped and spat as the other girl caught herself from falling over, staring up at her with puppy eyes.

“WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT!” Tatsuki yelled, wiping off her mouth in disgust. Chizuru just continued giving her the sad puppy eyes. Tatsuki would figure being best friends with Orihime would keep that ploy from working on her, but instead she froze and frowned at her. Her eyebrows furrowed as if in deep thought of this dilemma.

“Er, listen, H...Chizuru. I appreciate the gesture of thanks and all, but I just...don't swing that way,” Tatsuki managed to stammer out. Chizuru only gave her a look of disbelief before bringing her hand up to adjust her glasses.

“But isn't that how it usually goes, the damsel and her knight live happily ever after?” Chizuru questioned her, and immediately Tatsuki had a response. “This isn't some fairy tale! You nearly got raped and I did what any other person would have rightly done!”

“That isn't just something any other person would have done!” Chizuru shouted back, an argument started to boil now.

“How the hell do you know that?”

“If ANY person did that do you think there'd be so many cases like mine happening? This isn't some isolated incident, it happens all the time all over the world, and how often do you think people give a damn!” Chizuru pointed at the woman accusingly, stunning Tatsuki from that sort of logic...out of this person out of all of them. She shook her head and brought a hand to her face, breathing deeply to calm herself.

“Chizuru, this doesn't change the original point. You can't just fling yourself at me like that,” Tatsuki muttered as she brought her hand down. Chizuru gave her a pout before walking on ahead, Tatsuki following after her classmate, slightly frustrated over this situation. They finally arrived at Chizuru's home and the girl turned to Tatsuki.

“Thanks … my shining knight~,” Chizuru stated as she beamed at the girl. Tatsuki rolled her eyes at this nickname.

“I'm not a knight alr-” Tatsuki was about to finish her sentence, Chizuru put a finger to her lips. Tatsuki furrowed her brow as she looked at the girl in annoyance.

“Then you'll be my dragon, at least let me have that one~” Chizuru said, leaning over to peck the other girl's cheek. Tatsuki relaxed and looked to the side, not arguing this one as Chizuru entered her home. She rubbed at her cheek with the back of her hand before turning to leave. She paused in the middle of her steps and glanced back at the building, before shaking her head and walking away.

lesbians, fanfic, bleach

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