Turn your dictionary/thesuaurs to S

Mar 07, 2010 16:08

I know I do a lot of bitching, but here's why I bitch a lot, especially about pairings.

Most of the times, the arguments I see is based on people arguing that there is subtext. However, I don't believe in subtext very much because subtext is something based upon opinion because it is not CONCRETE. It is an implication upon which people can make their own assumptions, however it isn't something that I am going to buy so easily. The only time Subtext works its way into my brain and being wedged is if I read a scene and don't understand it at first. This doesn't happen very often, but when it does I know there is something deeper I'm missing...or that people uploaded pages in the wrong order. However it's usually the former.
Subtext in itself is not something that is really there, unless you want it to be there. It isn't something clear and obvious. It is something that is implied or suggested but never shoved straight in your face.

NOW there is something that I do believe in that ISN'T subtext, and that's SYMBOLISM. And yes symbolism is just as opinion based as subtext, however it is MUCH MORE BLATANT. Visual things always speak fathoms more than actual words. Yes there can be subtext behind visuals and action too, but again symbolism is more blatant. Easily more acceptable and not too hard to understand. I don't mind a little mental challenge but I don't want to waste my time digging either. I appreciate forwardness and I am a visual learner, that's the way it's ALWAYS BEEN for me.

In conclusion my opinions are my opinions, and if you don't like them well that's just how the fuck it's going to be isn't it? There's some things I feel deeply for that people know of, that I excude that same fit of rage some may have arguing that I'm wrong, but that's on something specific and not something in general.

Therefore if you're going to argue, I don't want your implications and your subtext I want something VISUAL that even a TWELVE YEAR OLD can grasp. I want SOLID PROOF that if I punch it my hand is going to break. That's why I appreciate people liking pairings with no reasons besides "this is hot to me" but as soon as explaining comes into play and the words "they said "I love so and so" here *insert link*" aren't present? I don't CARE. You officially are thinking too hard about fiction at that point.

This is why I'm an asshole~. Thank you and good night.
Also, yes, some of this is aimed at certain people, and I don't care if you know 8D

symbolism!, your mom, manga

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