(no subject)

Oct 22, 2003 05:34

My brain is about to explode... it feels so numb. I just crammed 4 weeks worth of studying for a midterm in approximatley 5 hours. I knew I should have just paced myself throughout the quarter, but due to my 'slackerness' as some may say it, it was the first time I took the book out all quarter. Somehow I managed to get through it in such a short period of time, with the help of 10 dollars worth of caffeinated "Monster Energy Drinks" to keep me up. Well in a way I had to... it's a midterm, though I have to say in the last hour... I just kinda just to stared at the page... so I'm not sure if the information I read is actually going to retain in my brain. At least I guess it was only one chapter, let's pray to god that it wont be on the midterm.

On another note, today I recieved the previous midterm for logistics back, but unfortunately I didn't do as well as expected. I recieved a score of 83 out of a 100, due to my inability to show 'sufficient work' apparently, even though I got all the answers right. Can someone tell me how does that happen, when you actually answer all the questions right and understood everything? Bleh... The thing that grills me the most is that, I did show proficient work for someone in this field to understand, I for one actually attempted to show work... even though I already knew how to compute it without writing all that crap down. I mean honestly, what he wanted me to do is go step by step and explain every step.. who does that anyway? I've been taking shortcuts all my life, which is much more efficient, and it's not like I didn't understand the concept. He even knew I did, but his argument was: if this were another TA grading this midterm without knowledge of mathematical properties he wouldn't understand it at all. I mean honestly, what kind of crap is this.. So in conclusion, I'm furious at the TA, well was... not so much anymore. But indeed I'm quite disappointed, considering he took off 17 points off the midterm just due to lack of work; when I was suppose to have a perfect score. The sad thing is, sometimes I don't even know what he wants as work.. come on, what is sufficient work? I think that is up to the eye of the beholder... considering the fact everyone has different capabilities in comprehension.

Bleh.. I can't even think straight anymore... but I'll take this as a little break before I start reviewing what I just read (500 pages of filth). Hope everyone has a better day than me; my chances of having a 4.0 this quarter are diminishing... what art thou to do.
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