Title: A Worm and a Bear
a1y_puffFandom: The Musical Prince of Tennis
Pairing: Shirota Yuu X Aiba Hiroki
Side pairing: slight SaiRui
Genre: Humor/crack...
Rating: G
Disclaimer: I don’t own these boys, really… They belong to themselves and have their own lives. Everything written on this fic has nothing to do with their real lives, and it’s all only a product of MY imagination ^^;
Note: Well, I found this fic when I was rumbling into my folders.. I made it a long time ago but I haven't posted it yet, so I thought why not post it?
LoL.. this is kinda plotless, by the way,, but comments would be loved XD
btw this is un-beta-ed ^^;;
Shirota said Aiba looked like a worm. Aiba said Shirota looked like a bear... WTH? LoL... just read XD