(no subject)

Aug 19, 2011 00:38

idk if this was translated already but, I just read this and uh. . . I sorta need to vent. I hope they include this in next week's ep of No.6. 8D

Nezumi was always alone.
He lived alone. No one was beside him. He never allowed anyone to approach him. Shion was Shion who longed (which can also be translated as madly loved :D) for Nezumi and was fascinated by his strength, grace and beauty as well. He desired to stay by his side on his own will. Despite having a firm believe within himself, it was true that he could not determine the name of his emotions as well.
Admirance, friendship, honor, love. . . it confused him.
However, the elder on the palanquin was clearly showing parental love. The love a parent shows their children. It was that kind of feeling.
Nezumi had someone like that.
The elder called.
"Come here"
Sasori (there's a tanned guy that seems to hate both Nezumi and Shion that attacked them previously. His name means scorpion) stepped forth as he grabbed Shion's arm.
"Elder, this guy is dangerous. He has evil wrapped around him. You shouldn't get close."
"Evil. . . this boy, you say?"
"He is no boy. He is a devil. He will destroy everything. I know he will. Why do you not understand, elder?"
If someone says so much about them, it can get frustrating. Shion tried to shake off the arm that was grabbed. Sasori's fingers barely moved and instead squeezed harder, applying more strength.
"I do not mind. Bring Shion here."
"I do not mind. Good and evil, purity and malice, truth and lies, they are all very alike. It is so similar to a point it is difficult to define either one. Is that not right, Nezumi?"
"He is a boy you've brought. There is no way he can be malicious but, there is no way he can only be innocent either. So, Shion, come."
The fingers release. Sasori growed under his breath as he took a few steps back. His sand colored figure merged into the darkness.
Shion slowly walked up to to the palanquin. A few mice ran around his foot steps.
The elder had vivid black eyes. With light emitting from them, they gazed at Shion directly.
This person. . .
Shion began to wonder if this person was actually quite young. Being called "elder" and being covered with grey hair, he believed Elder to be an old person, though the strength emitting from the eyes was not one of an aged person.
The elder raised their hand. A pale, thin hand.
"Your head."
"May I touch your hair? You have a very interesting color."
He lowered his posture to present his head. Ruffling Shion's hair in a circular motion, the elder ran his hand through. It tickled a little. It almost felt as if he was being petted and was somewhat embarassing.
The depth on the elder's voice increased. He roughly heard the tail ends of his phrase. The tenderness from earlier disappeared as it became tense.
"Why did your hair become like this. . ."
"Not only his hair"
Nezumi approached taking big steps.
"Shion, show them your red snake"
"Eh? I don't want to"
"I have to take my clothes off. I don't want to take my clothes off in front of this many people."
Nezumi clicked his tongue.
"Which country are you from, princess? This isn't the time to be hesitating. Hurry! Show them the burden you have!"
Nezumi's fingers flipped his shirt. Shion paniced as he jerked away.
"I got it. I'll do it myself. I can take my shirt off by myself."
"How impressive. I'll praise you for that."
Nezumi's eyes was not up in the air like his words. They were sharp and tense. Shion removed his shirt and approached the elder an extra half step.

JUST THIS PART. made me want to scream in the middle of my work as I was reading it. |||orz
PUBLIC HUMILIATION MUCH?! What are you doing, bragging about your waifu and the marks left on him or something?! O_O
Am I the only one who thought this? AM I THE ONLY ONE WHO WENT "JUST GET MARRIED ALREADY!!!"

As xaevyn mentioned on twitter. This series is a test of how DIRTY your heart can be. *flops*

ps- So, everyone heard that Narita Ryogo (aka the author of DRRR!!) is gonna be writing the BLEACH novels right? *^* now THAT I need to add to my collection!

pps- and random tumblr doodlings. :D

I. . . cannot. do. One Piece fanarts for a reason. =___=; I can't do that . . . style. It's just. . . weird. WEIRD. I DON'T KNOW. *flips tables* whateverrrrr

doujin banzai! \(o_______o)/

one more request prompt! *^* I can't draw Nyanko sensei. LOL

WHATEVER. it makes me feel better tho. T_T
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