February (still a maybe) schedule.
I'll ask my manager. Or practically BEG. . . X_X;;
Feb 8th: Leave USA
Feb 9th: Arrive in Japan
Feb 10th: Reborn National Tournament
Feb 11th: Bang Bang Bambino (Reborn cosplay event) + Gintama / Neuro event
Feb 12th: Leave Japan (most likely won't make it for the flight on the 10th) and arrive back in the States.
Feb 13th: Work (8 hours)
Feb 14th: School (9 hours!!! T___T I'm gonna skip some classes maybe. . .)
Feb 15th: Katsu
Feb 16th: Katsu
Feb 17th: Katsu
. . . Can I do it?
I HIGHLY DOUBT IT! O___O; I think I will PASS OUT or something along the way. Bang Bang Bambino is a big maybe tho. x_x While I do wanna just cos, I bet the circles that will be there for Reborn will be the same as the people from the Nationals. . .
BUT NATIONALLLLLLLLLLLSSS!!!!! O___O Holycrap I wanna go to meet
xaevyn and
kurot! *___* And I REALLY want to go to this one cuz I'm actually going to able to SIT at a TABLE in Japan!!!! (my dream is still comiket. BUT!! *___* ONE STEP AT A TIMEEEE!!!!) Obviously I am NOT sightseeing or even shopping in Japan. HAHAHA I'm just GOING and LEAVING. x_x; Pointless, but I can't stay out from WORK that week as much. I seriously need to go BEG to my manager AGAIN. T___T;;
KUROTTT~~~~ Me and Febby will be throwing paper balls of RE-PR0N SCRIBBLES AT YOUR TABLLEEEEE~~~ XDDDD
ps- DO YOU THINK you three can COS for Bang Bang Bambino?! XD It's SO MUCH more FUN if you cossss~~ (also it's MUCH more fun if you're cosplaying and you get to meet other players too. *o*)
And for Katsu, it's better fit with my schedule but. . . @___@ I dunno if my body can stand going to 3 cons in 1 week. . . lol
Yeah, I'm gonna DIE that week. It's VALENTINE'S DAY week too. I'm SCREWED. <- choco shop + Valentines = BAD BAD MIX.
SOMEONE please teach me how to do the BUNSHIN no JUTSU?! T___T
Plus, why do I have a HUGE list of cos's?! O___O HELP MEEEEE~~~~!!! ;____; I have doujin to work on tooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!! @___@ holycrap why. LOL