I remember
sporkkunoichi and
cosplayeriori asking about where the heck Deneb pulls his candies from. . . . Well, it looks like he has his stored somewhere in his skirt/between his legs for sure now.
Deneb SHITsOUT CANDIES when he freaks out! O___O
. . . EVERY week I end up going "ARE YOU SURE this is a show aimed for 5 year olds?! CUZ IT'S NOT CUTTING THROUGH IN MY BRAIN!"
T____T GO CARTS TOOOOOOO!!! ROAD RAAAGGEEE~~~~! omg I dun wanna picture myself as U-Ryota in a suit driving a gocart. . . (altho that might be a darn funny sight. . . XD)
zomg I wants to do TEACUPS. SITTING tho. X___X;; I don't know why Ryota is standing on a spinning platform. . . @__@;;
And yes, we have to go on the DUMBO ride or something with a retarded looking animal on it.
And cosplay. RETARDEDLY. XD They better have an Elephant suit or something horribly SILLY. Or I'll be a turtle.
Unless I feel like going as Prince. X_X;; Then I'll prance around the amusement park with a boa and act like a snob. :D
I did not know a bunch of people on my f-list watched this show. YAY FOR HAVING A MENTALITY OF A 5 YEAR OLDDDDD!!!
@_@ Last night I stayed up pretty late bugging KIRAAAAAA (I make a creepy Athrun. I make him sound like Byakuran. LOL SQUEE~ KIRAKIRA~!! j/k. x_x) cuz we both had to do homework and I was all "OH LET'S PEER PRESSURE OURSELVES!" . . . so every 30 min, we bugged each other to show each other our works in progress and see if we made any progress or not. It worked somewhat tho. :D We got some work done in around 2 hours. XD Better than none!!!
My assignment is to draw a pre-existing artwork mixed with your style. X_x I chose Tsukioka Yoshitoshi and his Benkei vs Ushiwaka pic. @_@;
nn and my hand hurteded. >_> His compositions are fricken awesome. The original is a woodblock art from 200 years ago.
Tho this is more of his worksafe stuff. He's actually more famous for his Ero-Guro arts I think. Like. . . the pregnant woman being murdered while being hung upside down from the ceiling. X__X;; Or his more disturbing, skinning of a man pic. . . oh god, that was scary. . .
Yeeeeeeeah. Japanese underground woodblocks can reaaaaaallly get to you sometimes. Like tentacle rape dating back to 300-400 years ago. . . >___>;; Ohhhhhh Japanland. (I dunno why I learn these things in school. Educational, yes, but. . . mmm wat? x_x;)
T^T big thank yous to
e1njuwannakno for entertaining me with Byakuran, Tsuna and XANXUS last night. I HAD HAPPY DREAMS (not. I was so tired I did not dream) x_x And thanks for fixing my anatomy. haha x_x;
And I owe
amecandy marshmallows now. XD