Oh. . . omg!
darissan!! O_O UM THANK YOU SO MUCH for the paid account and the extra iconage addition! WHOA!
What did I do to deserve this? lol Literally. XD Thank you!
I really need to do something to repay you in some way! Seriously. X_X I do nothing for my friends. I'm a horrible person. T_T; BAH! If there's anything I can do for you, tell meeeee!! ;_; I feel really bad.
x___x bah. I have a final tomorrow. . .
I should be studying BUT! I finished 2 color illusts for the Kokuyou antholo. T^Tb
I'm on a short hiatus for translation work at the moment, if anyone was wondering. . . I really have no time. . . T___T I REALLY want to work on the Itou arc so bad in Gintama! Oh boy, Itou is fricken haawwt~ XD
okay. . . back to . . .work. orz
and I'm still pondering when I can squeeze my schedule to make a D.Gray antholo. . . hrm. one day.