(no subject)

Jan 15, 2007 22:51

: gurgle : I ended up making 500 chocolate boxes for work today. I worked from 8:30 ~ 5:30 on making 500 choco boxes. . . . >_> FUN. . . . actually, it is fun. ._. I didn't have to do anything else aside from sticking truffles in boxes. But, my hands ended up stinking like chocolate for the rest of the day. x_x It's not even Valentine's yet!

Speaking of Valentine's Day. . . D: Apparently our store is gonna have special world-wide chocos this year. And for Japan, we got a lemon flavored choco that says 好きです (suki desu) written on it. XD I snorted when I read why Japan got the lemon choco. . . . in Japan, we say "first kisses taste like lemons". . . . so, we got the lemon choco. France got Rose Champagne, America got Caramel, Morocco got Mint. . . uhh, I forget the other flavors on top of my head at the moment, but it's gonna be a collection of chocos in random country based flavors apparently.

. . . of course, it's SUPER expensive. X___X;; I love how products in my store is unaffordable for myself. OTL

Man. . . X_X I wish the PoT fandom will stop haunting me. I thought I stepped out of it loooooooong ago, but whenever I pick up a doujinshi and look through it, I end up going *__* HOSHIT THAT'S HAWT!!! . . . don't you have fandom hauntings like that?! T^T You thought you left it, but you go back once in a while and spazz for a good 10 minutes? haha x_x I freaked out when I saw my fav doujin artist releasing another PoT fanbook. X_X I was all "I THOUGHT I WAS OVER YOU, POT!" AGHHH!!! XD

So, I was thinking of sending packages out today but, I was stupid and I noticed the post office was closed today! Wonderful! So, the packages will go out on Wednesday. =X And autumnia~ if you can drop by sometime from Wednesday ~ Sat (I don't care which day. XD) I have something I want to give you. ^^ So, if you can stop by sometime, that'll be cool. :D

edit- lolz sanada, did you see this yet? XD I scanned it in from my Amatsuki book 4 special book thingie but, I think you would get a kick outta it as much as I did.

SCHOOL BOY BONTEN TSUYUKUSA AND GINSHU!!!! XDDDDDD OMG I went -moeeeee- when I saw Bonten in blazers! And Tsuyukusa in a jersey! *DEAD* Personally, I think it suits them real well. XDDDD Of course, gakuran Ginshu is a little weird. . . and questionable. >_> He does look like one of those idol-like pretty boys in class that look like girls. haha. . .

and and . ..

TSUYUKUSA AND HEIHACHIII!!!!! XDDDD *DEAD*DEAD*DEAD* I love how Tsuyukusa is such an obaka-san. XD So cute. Heihachi TRAUMATIZED poor Tsuyukusa!!! AGHH THEY ARE SO CUTE!! Look what you got me into! LOL

and omg book 4! @_@ I flipped through it and I still snort everytime Bonten asks Tokidoki. . . "so do you want to choose me or the princess?" . . . princess my ass! Poor Toki. XD Kon needs to bat away Bonten or even have Kuchiha chomp onto Bonten. D: Bonten is a slut. I say he's a slut. We all need sluts in comics, right? Right. (wut?)

D: And if you want book 4 of Amatsuki, I'll be more than glad to send it over to you via snail mail if it'll save you a trip up here! They only have the normal edition (Kuchiha edition) but, they have it. =X I got the Tsuyukusa edition in Japan and that just came with the mini spoof book. D: If you want me to scan that in, I can do that too~ ^^

work, rl, tenipuri, amatsuki, files

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