(no subject)

Nov 22, 2006 23:27

Ugh. . . I want to see a pic of Ichigo with his nails painted or just. . . long nails. T_T I saw the spoiler pics and I thought it was hot seeing him with long nails. (well, they were just speed-lines but, it looks like he has long nails and I thought it looked badass) I doodled a pic of Ichigo with long hair tho. XD

:D Oh, did people see the new issue of CosMode mag? It has . . . by far one of the emo-est prettiest Ulquiorra cosplayers. *o* Her allankar outfit had little dragons on it. It was like. . . um. . . Ulquiorra in China! *DEAD* XD Sorry for being so stereotypical but, that's what I thought. It was one lovely outfit though. ^^ You can only see the dragons when you're up-close so it was really nice. *_* ugh, looking at cos mags makes me wanna cos so bad. T_T

Anyway. Today at work. . . . I GOT AN ABY IN THE HOUSE NOWWWW!!! O_O It's kinda scary almost. I told her to just send a resume over yesterday and well. . . >_> She's working with me now. LAWLZ They gave her an 'okay' in under 12 hours. x_x So, now I'm working with Aby! :D We're gonna go on a choco high together! Woot!

Speaking of getting high. . . *_* Guess what I'm having~ :D
I got a lovely can of Wild Strawberry tea from autumnia today at work~! XD It was funny how I opened the wrapping and the first thing that came out of my mouth was. . .
Ayako- o_o; Ichigo?
Me- XD My friend gave me strawberry tea.
Ayako- :D Ohh. ichigo teaaaa~

XD She's my Japanese co-worker but, I was -so- pronouncing Ichigo as. . . well, Ichigo from BLEACH. (D: YEEES! 'Ichigo' the name is pronounced differently than the name of the fruit, 'ichigo'. His name has the I accented more while the fruit has the accent on the Go. D:)

I'm such a geek. x_x And my mom who saw the tea is such a geek too.
Mum- D: Oh, Ichigo.
Me- :D Wild Ichigo.
Mum- . . . From Bleach?
Me- . . . )*(#%(^#()@#*^()*#&$()$ *WEEP*

She only knows Ichigo and Kon but, yeah. x_x It's kinda scary when your mom starts pointing to strawberry things and start going "Ichigo" (pronouncing as his name) or "Bleach". . . OTL

I better keep my mouth shut about Vongola pasta and Reborn. . . My dinner table would be full of crack. XDDDD

Oh, and I am -such- a geek when it comes to food, by the way. >_> I had taiyaki a few weeks ago at my other work and well. . . I was thinking Renji the entire time. X_X And when I had some mitarashi dango, I was all Allen! x_x ughhh I AM A GEEK. : hides in a little corner :

work, rl, cosplay, food, bleach

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