(no subject)

Sep 03, 2006 01:17

Last day of woooooork! :D My manager treated me to white sesame blamange! T^T oh man, it was SO good. I'm a sucker for sesame so. . . *_* And the mixed berry sorbet with it was so nice too.

So. =/ You won't find shiroro downtown anymore. Now, I'll be working a block away from Kinokuniya. @_@ lol Most likely I'll be there for a while. x_x; It looks like a fun place to work. =X I just. . . won't be fed. T_T poo. Anyhow. D: It's funny how when I called the store, they were like
manager- "Okay! Come in at 10 AM and we'll go shoe shopping."
me- "alright."
moments later me thinking- "wait? . . . shoe shopping? @_@;"

x_x I guess this store's uniform is literally a "uniform". wow. lol It's a pretty. . . high class store I guess. o_o;; I mean not only are their products expensive, but they treat everyone well as well. ._. Also they all seem very friendly. @_@ I was told they have parties together, go skating together and go out to eat together and stuff. I was all "what?" half way through. lol Apparently, the store pays the workers to go out to eat. I was like "ohcrap. . . that's. . . awesome!" XD

Seriously. My college degree is going to be USELESS when I graduate. Aside from me going "certified doujin artist!" *SNORT* x_x I'm enjoying working in so many places now. I'm gonna probably die poor one day. OTL

ANYWAY! D: I was bored a bit after doing some retarded tones on my Get Backers DJ page (hurhurhur pr0n for Taichou) and so. . . I p-chatted with Aby. D:


Aby. . . your old man creeps the living crap outta me. X_X;;

)@(*%(#&$)@*_) ABy's TAKASUGI! OH GAWD SO SEXY!! even with Elizabeth on his kimono. He's still screaming Psycho SEXY bastard! *o* And Sakamoto-pup. Guh! XDDDD

Aby's ELY-CHAN! ignore my coloring. XDDDD (you know how scary it is when this is the size of your screen? Seriously. I turned around for a moment and looked back and saw Elizabeth's face on my screen and went ". . ." for a good moment. X_X But I made Aby go WTF when I made Elizabeth PINK! XD)

Sorry, I was retarded and chose YELLOW to color. >_>;; 3rd Year Z class Ginpachi-sensei~ with Takasugi and Zura. Ignore Baka ouji plz. Aby's Sakamoto is so in-character, it almost scares me. XD

Blah! School started for a lot of people. ;_; (I start next Monday. >_> haha very very late I know) I wanna p-chat with other people sometime but I dunno when everyone is free~ T^T Poke me on AIM or LJ na~? *rolls*

rl, gintama, art, p-chat

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