(no subject)

Jul 12, 2006 01:43

Ouran 15 (raw)
Trick 14 (raw)

Finally watched the xxxHOLiC movie~ And like laliho said. . . IT WAS GOOD!! XD Spazzy Watanuki is SO cute (like always) but in general, the art for the movie was really amazing. The twisted feel was really well portrayed. *_* I love anime movies that have unique and nice backgrounds. I dunno, there's some warmth added in my opinion. But then I'm a sucker for backgrounds so. . . >_>; I like characters a lot too, but I go gaga over works with nice backgrounds. I still can't seem to get used to the anorexic and long limbed characters tho. x_x In my brain I'm screaming AGHHH ANATOMYYYYYY. X_x; Oh well. . .

Regarding backgrounds, I am a sucker for Final Fantasy IX. In that case, Advent Children kinda bored me. I like the character designs but, the background was so barren, metallic and cold. . . I couldn't help but to not like it. I mean, everyone was probably gaga over the character designs (yes I was too), but the backgrounds were amazing by skill but not something I dig. =/ It's just my 'taste'. I never finished watching the movie either. I just couldn't sit through it. Blah 2 years of excitement was wasted in all honesty. Well. . . the characters were worth the wait. >_>;

Anyway. T_T I just spent a while chatting with rinslet tossing each other art sites links to Gintama. T^T ahhh so nice~

!@)(*#(%^#%_@(#+_@*$()!! MY KIND OF SITE! I LOVE BACKGROUNDS I LOVE IT! *worship* OMFG I would KILL to be able to draw backgrounds like this person! I seriously DROOLED over this. T_T Her FMA art is kickass too tho. T^T Man. . . *lovelovelove*

Oh hell, if I can draw on photoshop so easily like her, I would be. X_x General/OkiGura-esque? Her Gintama comics are fricken awesome too. Very dramatic I think. Some are crack tho. XD I haven't read all of it yet.

T^Tb shit. So badass. I can only curse right now. Yeah. Badass. T_T

ToT Approved! Gintama, D.Gray-man, Naruto, Gundam Seed. . . Her INKS are amazing. T^Tb Coloring is nice too, but B&W is sexy toooo

X_X I first saw this person's art on 4chan. lol But yeah, I found her site. :D Yay. Her Gintama, D.Gray, Death Note (omg amazing compositions), Howl arts are very pretty. T^T

XD Cute Gin-san pics. Heart warming~

The reason why me and rinslet started to fangirl tonight. >_> We always fangirl, but it started with this. XD OkiGura arts~

This person seems to really like Gintoki and Takasugi. o_o Not really as a pair or anything I think? But either way, it's pretty hot. XD I seriously lack adjectives when there are so many sites.

HIJIGIN~! XDDDD Crack + sexy + HijiGin = ohhh yes. heeeee~~~ I love how she has SO MANY HijiGin arts. *___* Fulfilling my fangirly-ness.

T^Tb OkiGuraaaa~~~~~ We spent like an hour just fangirling over this site. XDDD

I'm sorry, you broke my brain. YOU BROKE MY BRA-- OW! XDDDD If you don't want to see Kondou in dresses, don't click. HAHAHAHA!!+)@*(%)&_$*@+_$(+ . . . ow. XDDD WIN!

HijiGin lurve. :3 Along with other pics centering Hijikata and Gintoki. XD

T_T Man, I would totally want her doujinshis! I was a little irked out at the Hijikata x Yamazaki thing at first, but ehhh I guess it's cute? I dunno. But yeah, her arts make me crave for her doujins. T^T

More pretty colored HijiGin. *_*

More pretty colorrrssss~~~~ I am dying now. x_x; There're way too many sites out there!

I need to go to Japan and get more doujinshis. OTL
But misery comes with me since I don't have a solid fandom like I did the past two years. T_T Three years ago, I went to comiket in search for Tenipuri. Last year I went to get BLEACH (and got BLEACH, PoT, Trinity Blood and D.Gray).

This year, I dunno what to go for. =_= I want doujinshi of Reborn, Air Gear, Gintama, xxxHOLiC. . . I would say I want one for ES21 but a good portion of it is BL and I can't stand some of the BL-ness so. . .>_o; And I really don't want het too much either. x_x It's not easy finding general gag. x_x; Oh well.

: crawls away : I need to organize my fav places. T_T

Oh yeah! This is random link pimping (totally) but. . .
You know how KHII fansites in Japanese don't let you link and stuff so yeah, add the http:// in the front. It's an Axel x Roxas site mainly but her comics are SO CUTE (I LOVE Axel dorkage!) and check out her mini comic on the bottom about her kid who loves KHII just as much as her. T_T It's just so cute I wibbled. X_X Her 4 year old kid's drawings of Riku and stuff made me go D'AWWWW!! XDDD AGH! I want KHII doujinshi! *stabs table* T_T

Also speaking of Gintama. . . I'm REALLY angry and frustrated at the fansubs. Seriously. If one says they'll do it. . . DO IT. T_T I said I'll help, but I'm not allowed to translate but, only check translations. So, I can't do crap. I'm reaaaallllyyyyy frustrated. =_= I'm not the one to be talking, but don't take in more than you can chew. If you can't do it, just say you can't. No one will sue you for it. -_-; Oh well.

kingdom hearts ii, ouran koukou host club, gintama, rant, links, air gear, files

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