(no subject)

Jun 05, 2006 16:18

Phew. I just came back from a meeting from my work. x_x; I was told so many things and reviewed tons of stuff but I'm so confused. Sort of. . . lotsa stuff to get used to. @_@;; They're so picky. . . but that's expected in Japanese stores. o_o If you go to REALLY high class Japanese stores, you'll see how ANAL their workers are about stuff. X_X;; At the same time, it's very nice if you go as the customer, cuz they treat you so well. XD

There was one store I went to in Japan was quite . . . shocking. I went to a tea house in the mountains (haha my aunt lives on the outskirts of Tokyo where there's mountains and farms. @_@;) and that tea house was like a log house. =D It was so fancy and pretty! And what shocked me the most was the bathroom was that the waitress checked what we were wearing, what type of people we were n'stuff and selected the tea cups suited for us. @_@;; So, me, my mom and my aunt all got different tea sets. I remember I got a lot of shiny stuff. >_>; not that I like shiny stuff but I wear a lot of rings so I guess she thougth I like shiny stuff. lol

._. oh yeah, and their bathroom was cool. XD The floor of the bathroom GLOWED and changed color. hahaha It was a little uncomfy to walk around tho cuz everytime you walked, it the floor changed color. lol x_x;; I came out cracking up. >_>;; Well, that's Japan. They have the weird but awesome toilets. lol

:D So during the meeting today, I was able to try some of the Earl Grey and some of the Yinzen Silver Needle. ^^; Yinzen Silver Needle was good. It has a nice scent and it's not sweet at all.

The difference between teas is like green tea, black tea, white tea, chinese tea mainly but the way they differenciate is the amount of time they use to ferment the tea leaves. D: White tea is like when they don't ferment it that much. Black tea and green tea is fermented so-so and usually chinese tea is fermented a lot. The leaves all belong to the same camellia something something family. . . >_> and depending on how long they ferment it, different teas are created.

. . . that law only applies for the leaves. Herbal teas (mint, lavendar, chamomile, etc) have nothing to do with fermentation.

._. As for coffee, if you want more caffiene, get light roast. D: Light roast usually is roasted longer and the more it's roasted, the more caffiene. And dark roast has lesser caffiene cuz it's not roasted as much.

>_> These are the things you learn after working in coffee shops and tea houses. *snort* Well. . . I knew some stuff before I worked there tho. =_= My chemistry teacher back in High school thought I was an alcoholic cuz I was reciting alcoholic drinks when we were talking about fermentation. OTL

Oh yeah! And for lunch I was able to have green tea pound cake and some panini that my chef made. =P I pig out~ XD I also bought some bread at panya today. ._. I love the cookie bread there. *_* It reminds me of the yakitate bread so bad! XD It's seriously like what Azuma made! They took cookie dough and put it on the bread. Oh gawd. . . *fangirls* Haha

And when I came home today, there was a box in front of my door. Stupid mailman left it in front of my door! T_T What if it was STOLEN?! Geez, stupid guy. . . AND he/she put the box label that read BOTTOM on top. O_O Give me a break, it doesn't take a genius to figure WHICH SIDE IS TOP WHEN IT SAYS TOP!!!+_ #)*^)#^$_!@ AGHHHH!!!!!

Anyway, I opened the box and what did I see? XDDDD

Say hello to my knights shinigami of the round square table. XDDDDD AHHHH!! THANK YOU SO MUCH jen_kat!!! I seriously FREAKED OUT when all those shinigami came out from the box. HAHAHAA

hehe you can see my laptop there but yeeeessss look at the group of shinigami! *_* AHHH~~~~!!!! I put the Aizen from last time there too so he can join the groupie. XDDD

XD Urahara's coat actually comes off. Shinigami Urahara is actually . . . different. lol

Aizen vs Hime and Ichigo~! X3 I think Hime was really well made. :D

LINE UP~!!! T_T Gawd this reminds me of our taichou line up at Otakon! We had a number crisis. . . XDDD WAT NUMBUR AM I?!

XDDD 6th div looovvveee~ Renji's outfit even has tears in it. *_* Oh so hawt~!

Agh this got a little blurry. But Hitssuuuu~~~~ Nice and tiny next to Aizen. XDDDD I should've put them face to face. lol

Urahara and Hime~ :D After I saw the Hime figure. . . I suddenly wanted a Shinigami Ishida figure too. T_T;; (no I'm not an IshiHime fan, but I wanted shinigami Ishida more than quincy Ishida)


*_* WAHHH! I LOVE YOU JEN~~~!! Thank you so much for all of this! I'm gonna rant more or whatnot in the letter. =P If I go nuts here now there's not much for me to write. hehe ^^;

Mwahahah : goes to play with figures : WHeeee~ BANKAAAAIII~~~~ RAWRRR!! XDDD I'm such a kid. . . lol I should drink some of the tea Jen sent me to chill maybe. hehehe

photos, rl, goods, food, bleach

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