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May 21, 2006 02:49

D: Oh sweet, there's a [switch] comm. nakedape_switch :D Anyone read the manga for that? It's pretty good. XD The story reminds me of something Minekura would do (ie: Wild Adapter. <-channels this story a lot I think) but, I guess it's a little toned down on the seriousness than Minekura's work. The art is very stylish too. XD I first found out about [switch] while reading animate's magazine on manga reviews. It had a quote on it that made me go 'ooo~' which went something like "If you plan to do drugs, then prepare to throw away everything, including your own life." or something like that. Which is kinda true.

So, the plot is basically two guys, Haru and Kai working in an organization specializing in arresting drug dealers. They're going up against this major group called Ryuugen (I think? Or was that Get Backers? X_X;; I read too much stuff, I get confused) and while going after them, they deal with all sorts of people with drama and trauma caused by drugs. =X It's like a collection of short stories that fall into one main plot, I guess. There's also a whole thing about the members of Ryuugen in search of something called 'switch' (hence, the title) and it's like the name. . . someone has a switch in their mind that allows them to totally flick on another side of them (a type of MPD I suppose). >_> Ehh but, yeah that's the part that reminds me of Wild Adapter a little -too- much. Simple down points is that, it's very cliche(?) I suppose. There's some factors in there that make you go "Oh, I saw that in another manga" or something (ie- psychotic eyepatch boy with MPD? Hello!)

The artwork is really nice tho. XD They did some really pretty Naruto doujinshis too. *snort* I laughed when I saw those books by naked ape (yeah that's the artist's group name) at SW's place *coughSasuNarucough* XD

So, I got up today at 9 AM to meet up with tachigonaoki to meet sinistera. :D Me and Aby fangirled ES21! YA-HA!! X3 HIRUMA IS GOD!

Anyway, so after meeting Tracy, we went to the Apple Store that just opened yesterday right next to FAO. D: Very fancy shmancy store. XD It's nice. Not that we bought anything, but yeah just to check it out. Then we headed down to 9th Ave and we went through a street fair while looking at random stuff. XD Tracy had some choco covered strawberries on a stick. heh heh I had that during the winter. lol

Then we went off to Chinatown and whoa tons of people there. I was already tired by then. T_T We were looking around for Tracy's shades while we were happily munching on ice cream. ^^ Chinatown ice cream place is SO good!!! I had black sesame ice cream (omg I love sesame!). GAHH it's so addicting! T^Tb

Oh, before we headed to Chinatown, I got a phonecall from my job asking me if I can go today. @_@ So it was an emergency call and I had to go to work at 6 today. oy. And I left to go home and slept for like 2 hours then headed off to work.

>_> BAH! While I was working tachigonaoki and yuki_shirano came. X_X;; If I knew what time I was gonna be in earlier, maybe I could've bumped into autumnia too. XD Yes, I meet a lot of LJ people. lol Sooo yeah, I had to serve Aby and Yuki (not that I don't do that already) and so yeah. D: Hope you guys had fun! Come again~ Next time I can recc some teas too. ^^

:D Oh, for dindin I had. . . cold chinese noodles (aka cold ramen) and satsuma potato soup. *_* One advantage of working at a restaurant. Good food. X3 And Aby and Yuki just watched me eat during break. >_> Sorry, I was like. . . running in and out. @_@;; Blah.

So, I worked today until 12:30 AM. . .>_> And got home at 2 AM. I'm surviving on like 6 hours of sleep. I've been on my feet ALL DAY today. ;_; I'm in pain. Owies. And I got a huge bruise on my index finger too. T_T;; blah.

I never thought subways would be so crowded at 2 AM in the morning. @_@ Seriously, I couldn't sit down!! )#(%@&$_!)!+! OW. T_T

:D Oh yah. . . teas I reccomend:
Flower Craft- One of the most BEAUTIFUL teas I've seen. *_* It's a small flower bud at first but, once you toss it into hot water, it unravels and it turns into a huge flower inside your teapot! And it smells REAL nice too. It's like a mixed flower tea, but it smells like jasmine and it's very fragrant. I highly recc this tea to many customers since it's visually pretty, aromatic and it tastes good too. ^^

Scarlet Glow- Another pretty tea. The tea is BRIGHT RED, like the name. But it also smells REALLY good too. Seriously, like the name the tea GLOWS. O_o; A lot of people seem to like this tea cuz it smells so nice and soothing. ^^

Chrythanthimum tea- This one is also really pretty too. We toss around 15~20 small buds into the teapot and small mums bloom in your teapot and it floats. It doesn't smell too strong, so people who like mild flavored tea with not such a strong smell, I recc this. *nodnod*

Lavender Mint- At first I was all WTF is that? x_x; But it smells really good like the name. XD It has the sweet lavender smell and a fresh minty scent. :D Very relaxing and I think it would definitely calm the stomach. . . mint is supposed to be good for the tummy anyway. :D

Yuzu Sencha- One of our cold teas. :D It's green tea with a hint of citric aroma to it. (the one I lied to the first customer of mine. durhurhur) We put special yuzu sencha ice cubes in it so even if it melts, the tea won't dilute. X3 Iono why but, my store is anal like that. haha

Matcha (float)- >_> Regular matcha (green tea powder) is SUPER expensive so I don't really recc it to people, but the matcha float looks so good! it's green tea mixed with some milk and we drop some azuki (red bean) ice cubes in it. XD I wanted to try it SO bad. hehehe Oh, we also have something called a Match comfort too. Which is green tea, whipped cream with alcohol in it. =P It's sweet and good (says my manager. I have yet to try that too. >_>)

Yinzen Silver Needle- O_o Yet to try this and I have no clue how it tastes like, but it's one of our most popular teas. o_o tachigonaoki and yuki_shirano ordered it too. lol

Teas I don't reccomend:
Citrus- . . . it smells nice like oranges and it looks pretty and golden BUT. . . T_T IT TASTES LIKE ORANGE SOAP! It's. . . er. . . Iono it tastes and smells like orange potpourri. >_>; It sMELLS nice but, you don't want to drink it. It's sweet too, so it leaves a pretty bad aftertaste. X_x;;

Earl Grey- I. . . don't really like my store's Earl Grey. X_x I've had some from Fortnum and Mason (sp?!) but, that one was really good. It's pricy here in the States, but it smells nice and it tastes nice too. Our store's is. . . I dunno where it's from but, it doesn't taste good. @_@ It's flavored earl grey and it tastes kinda citrus-y. >_> I guess I'm just not a fan of citrus. . . (but I like another tea called Orange Zinger by Celestial Seasonings tho. >_> Mix that with regular Tetley's is really good. X3)

Yeah, so. . . uh. . .that's my tea review. haha XD If you crave tea now, don't blame meeeee. ya-ha~ :D

(oh and today me, Tracy and Aby took retarded Air Gear pics again. >_> I'll post it up later. Damnit, I've been made into Kaito's foot stool. T^T She's stepping on meeeeeeee. And Aby's Ikki! She attracts birds and omg I've been nearly poop'd on twice today! STUPID PIGEONS!!)

ok, I'm off yo bed now. I've been up for 18 hours straight and on my feet so. . . BYE. X_X

edit- OMG. . . I . . . just saw jen_kat's entry and . . . I . . . I wanna go as SANO to San Diego Comic-con. LOL! And have chisame run from homo megane me. But, San Diego's too far. AGH!! WHY IS EVERYTHING IN CALI?! XDDDD I wanna force Aby to be Ikki. . . >_> I wanna be Sano. I want his coat. >_> And I don't want PINK SANO GLASSES, KTHX TRACY I AIN GOING THAT WAY YET. . .

And I want a Kazu lamp post. Someone gimmi a lamp post. And a shark plushie while you're at it. XD I need to make Aby a KUU PLUSHIE and attach it onto her head. >:D MWAHAHA

manga, rl, food

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