(no subject)

Mar 19, 2006 12:50

*___* OMG JOYGASMMMM~~~~)!(*&%(^@%*(!&(~~~!!! So much Digimon fanart flooding my f-list~~~~~!! : bounces around like some insane maniac : omgomg : kicks the word shota out the window :

:D LINK PIMP~ I shared some of these with jen_kat yesternight when we were fangirling Digimon together but maybe other people might wanna browse around too. ^__^ There aren't too many good Digimon sites (that are alive) anymore but ehh some are still around that are nice. ^^

:D Cute CGs + comics of Partners and Digimon. No pairings.
Fire Capsule
XD Very cute 02 CGs. Lotsa Takeru x Daisuke stuff tho. o_o; Her FMA stuff is cute too. lol
Erabareshi Freaks 02
02 art. Her comics are a gif animation which are sorta hard to read for non-Japanese readers, but for those who can read it (dot dot dot) give it a try cuz they're funny as hell. XD
Fake Project
YamaTai centric I guess but leaning more to general. Cute CGs, her comics KILL. XD Tentomon missle~! XDDD!
Ikken rakuchaku! Dennou bochi
;_; by far probably my fav traditional artist! OMG her Yamato and Garurumon pic is my FAV! @__@ And her comics. haha Tentomon has eyelashes. *dead*
Honey Olion
OMG~! O__O SO MUCH JYOU! *__* And Gomamon~ XD! It's SO CUTE! She also has a lot of DaiTake and YamaJyou piccies. o__o; I dunno how it works but it's cute!
COSPLAY! OMG Digimon Cosplay! They even got Koushirou's pineapple laptop! WIN!! _@*)^)#^$_!@!!! Their little photoshoots are SO cute!!! They also have Tamers (03) pics too. XD Even if I don't like that season, their cos is so good.
AND They have BLEACH too! HOLYCRAP OLD MAN YAMA-JII COSPLAY! *DEAD* They practically have EVERYONE! DAMN!!! O__O;; Bahahaha their Shunsui and Nanao pics ROCK! XDDDD!
XD Her illusts are cute too. hahaha
For the YamaTai fans. XD Soft watercolorish illusts. ^__^ Heart warming.

edit- O_o oh yeah I forgot to post this up. I was posting this entry so I can post this up but Digimon distracted me. XD

Title: Weight Lifting
Universe: Eyeshield 21
Theme/Topic: 2nd theme~ I'm so slow compared to taichou. x_x;
Rating: G
Character/Pairing/s: Few of the Deimon peoples. :D
Warnings/Spoilers: nada
Summary: D: Kurita has all the weight on his shoulders thanks to Hirumaaaa~ (not really but it'll be cute :D)
Dedication: peroxidepest17
Disclaimer: Not mine either. And the themes aren't mine either. Ask peroxidepest17 first. D:
Distribution: O_o where the heck would anyone distro this? lol

D: I forget colors. I did it on top of my head. sry. XD Green? Was it green? I think it was green. . . damnit. haha X__X; It's the simple stuff that fly over your head. wahaha

D: and I started on the 5 themes for RenRuki too~ Yeaaaah trying to throw some het into the bandwagon of Bleachyness. XD 1st one yeah. lol Damnit our site has no women, yo. XDDDD!

digimon, art, links, eyeshield 21

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