ZOMG Sephiroth in KH2! XD My god, he kills me. WTF he fights Sora and the first thing he does is. . . Wipe off the dust collecting on his armor?! *DEAD* x___x I know I'm weird to find that amusing. lol But another amusing part for me was where Sephiroth shedded a lot of feathers from his wings. . . and yet he still manages to fly and stuff. ._. Well, I'm sure fans will weep to see a bald-chicken version of Sephi-- : shot down : X___X
I didn't play it yet. I just downloaded a clip of that actually. x_x; I have no intentions of fighting Sephi just yet. I think you need certain requirements anyway. But damn, I spazzed when Sephi was all. . .
Sephi- "The only one who can erase me is only Cloud afterall. . . Tell Cloud to come here. Sephiroth also wants to put an end to this."
XD Sephi talks about himself in 3rd person? haha x__x And Sora has to play messenger boy AGAIN? I mean it was like 3-4 times in the game where they both asked Sora to pass messages to each other. Cloud. . . go get Sephiroth's cellphone number. Now. T_T
Ahhh Morikawa sounded soooooo ebil as Sephi yet again tho~~~! X3 He used his supah seme voice there. XD Although, I say his dorky uke voice is funny too. haha. . . x_x;
x___x Man, I didn't mention this before but I seriously nearly fell off my couch with a WTF look when I was playing the game. I knew Axel was pretty fixated about getting Roxas back from Sora, but in the end. . . man. . . I was all GAHHH NOOOO when Axel died. T___T He pretty much died protecting Sora/Roxas. OMG I wibbled like mad! ;___; Axel is so fricken hot! I'm so sad Axel is gone tho. He was so cool. T___T Waahhh!! Axel Axellll~~~~ His final words made me a sick happy fangirl tho. XD I hope they keep the same lines in the English game then the fandom will fuck it up will hopefully increase. haha x_x Yeah yeah I became a Axel x Roxas fan. lol Or just Axel -> Roxas. =/ Only cuz I don't really like Namine. I think Namine is prettier than Kairi even. But I don't really like her as much as a character. x___x; Axel in that case is hot. Yeah. XD haha He's one of those crazy wild types which is total love. X3 But yeah. . . =D I have a good reason for supporting Axel -> Roxas tho. T^T C'mon if a character screams "SUKI DA!", I can't help but to go "wut wut wut?!" x__x Especially as a BL fangirl to begin with. . . haha. . . It's not good for our healths.
The part that sucks for me is I SAVED on top of that file so I can't go back to rewatch is 200 times like a stupid fangirl! T__T I'm too lazy to find a clip for it so blah. =____= I wish there was also someone for Demyx cuz he was so cute too. XD He's so hard to beat but he was adorable. hehe Iono maybe Axel can abuse Demyx. Fire and Water dudes anyway. ._. There's just a lack of females in the XIII org. And the one female that was in there is DEAD so really. . . you have nothing but BL left. x_x; But then they supposively have no heart. I see that. But they have such a cool personality. T^T It doesn';t have to be a love-love-sap-omg-goo. . . it can just. . . be right at the border of friendship and love. T__T Good enough for me. x_x
*takes a breath* Yay finally finished ranting pointlessly.
So. I was reading ch.211 of Bleach and I noticed the advertisement on the side that said there was gonna be a. . . Bleach Official Character Book. =_= About time. . . It seems like inside the book, it's gonna have 26 character profiles of the Taichou Class in the Gotei 13 divisions. Cover is gonna have Kubo-sensei's Ichigo illust and there's gonna be a poster inside with Tensazangetsu Ichigo vs Hihiou Zabimaru Renji. ^^ Along with the chapter 00 of Bleach (the one where Rukia was the size of a cigarette box *laff*) and some chapter called Bleach .0 side-A along with other side stories that were not published yet. =D Lots to look forward to in this little baby, ne? lol
Aaaand along with that, get the Official Animation book while at it. ._. The cover is Rukia that Kubo-sensei drew, but it has an anime version poster of Ichigo and Renji that one of the animators drew probably. (why are those two constantly sticking together a lot these days?) And there's gonna be Bleach .0 side-B. . . . I really wonder what this side-A and side-B thing is. . . (besides making fans buy two books instead of just 1. . . harhar)
OMG Renji's bad sense of fashion went to Ichigo WTF is up with that. . . that. . . HAT?! X__x Rapper? Gangster? Ghetto? 60s?! X__x Renji, wtf did you do to Ichigo?!
Oh noes you could get stabbed by Soi Fong too! This is kinda sweet. I wouldn't mind wearing something like that. XD I think it's nice.
para!!! XDDD You can start your morning off with
Coffee in GinIzu HAHAHAHA!! XDDD It says Gin and Izuru in the back! HAH
x_x But really. . . what's up with
The intimacy of Renji and Ichigo? all over the place? Quit rubbing it in my face plz. T_T I like strawberry on the bottom but no Oh-Renji on top. T____T;; Fwaaaa. . . And by logic. . . Zabimaru is TOTALLY stabbing Ichigo's neck there. XD Yay anime magic. X_x
x___x Iono I'm kiiinnnddaaaa leaning to Renji x Ichigo cuz there's a lack of RenRuki these days. I lost the motivation for the RenRuki mini comic I was doing over the summer because of the lack of RenRuki. T^T Boo. But then these days I'm not caring too much about pairings as much as I used to. . . but I guess I pretty much like anything with Ichigo on the bottom. XD Sorry Ishida, I think Ichigo is my favorite character now. x__x; haha. . .
.__. memo- Add 'Ryuusenka' under Hitsugaya and Hikotsutaihou under Renji. Sonid (sp?) under Allankar. x_x New powers, new skills. I'll probably forget it tho. . . blah
procrastinatingggg sucks. -_-;