...you know, besides the plot never going anywhere ever.
"I won't lie. I hate Bakuman. I hate its sexism dressed in uplifting shounen tournament garb; I hate it for painting its lead's crush as the perfect girl for being meek and modest, unlike that total bitch who's proud of getting good grades; I hate its "men have dreams that women can't understand!" message; I hate how its heroes put down female mangaka, and how every mangaka in Bakuman's world is a guy except the token girl who doesn't have a full grasp of what the shounen market wants because she started out in shoujo. (The shounen market consists of girls as much as boys, really, but hey! They're icky and shouldn't be allowed in the tree house, right?)"
From Katherine Hanson's Yuri no Boke:
Fall 2011 Anime Season Roundup