- Misleading tittle is misleading -It's a sad day when you can't even break into your own house with ease and have to resort to breaking the doorknob with a hammer and screwdriver.
Anyway from the beginning. The front door from my house has four locks, usually we only lock the one in the doorknob when we go out, but for some reason this time the uppermost one was also locked. Because we don't really use that one at all, except at night, I don't have a key, and we couldn't get in through any of the other doors because I don't have the keys either. Since honey lives right next door we had the choice of waiting for my mom or sister to get home so they can open the door or just break the doorknob on the back door. Obviously I went with the best choice, breaking the doorknob.
Thankfully, I actually carry around the key for my dad's toolshed (is it strange to have the key for a tool shed but not for a door?) to get the hammer and screwdriver. We got to work and after almost 30 mins, the damn thing just wouldn't break, and that's weird because it's old as hell. Anyway, after another 10 mins we finally were able to break the damn thing completely and get in.
After all that, it turns out that maybe breaking the doorknob wasn't the best choice, because not only did it took long, but now I have to buy a new one, too. Next time I think I would rather wait.... = =;
- YFC -I still have no freaking idea what that is supposed to mean, but this is something Gackt came up with, so I doubt I'll ever find out.
Anyway, the new
CM for the YFC DVD came out on Monday, and it looks damn good. Unfortunately, the release is DEARS only and they can only buy one per member, so the probability of me getting it is nonexistent.
Which is a pity because there are so many reasons why I would love to watch this DVD:
1st) He sang Justified
OM GACKT!! Is he cosplaying as Ichigo-chan(Takanori Nishikawa)!?....
I don't care if he is, he just looks so damn adorkable. The first time I saw this picture, I seriously couldn't contain myself.... Oh, the things I would do to this adorable thing that looks like a student age Gackt. XDDDD
3rd) The last guy in the CM said it. "This time the highlight is the member's nipples" cut to
4th) ................................. eh, I forgot...................... *keeps staring at gif*
Anyway, hopefully someone will be nice enough to upload the DVD, so many of us unlucky fans can watch it, and once someone is willing to part with their copy and I'm filthy rich, I'll totally buy it.
- State of my Order - The 31st already passed in Japan which means that my order has already been shipped. According to FEDEX it's supposed to get here tomorrow @ 10:30, which means that I have to be late for school because this is something I want to receive in my hands, just so I can answer the last question from the VISUALIVE CM.
(G) 「届いたか?」 (Did you receive it?)
(Me) 「はい~~!! ♥♥♥」
(sometimes I'm amazed by how big a Gackt fangirl I am XDD)
gif taken from the CM graciously shared by
dyan25 photo taken from
sanspo - GIF of the day -