2 new(ish) BH vids & vidding journal

Mar 20, 2011 17:05

So, series 3 of Being Human (UK) finished last week, and I realized I never got around to posting my vid for 3x01 ^^; and as I just finished vidding 3x08, I figured I might as well just post them together. Well, sort of-- I created a new lj for vidding purposes a while ago, but never really got around to pimping it (seeing a theme here, folks? >.>). It's limabeta, and contains all the vids I've posted here (BH, SPN, Primeval, etc). Please feel free (but not obligated) to friend it if you like, it's a bit lonely atm ^^;

Anyhoo! 3x01 vid is here (Mitchell/Annie) and 3x08 vid is here (George & Mitchell friendship, mega spoilers for the finale. No, really.)

(BTW, I have Many Feelings about the finale, but anything I say will probably be spoilery and incoherent, and I'm too lazy to cut it, so... yeah :S Let's just say there were tears involved >.>)

videos, being human, fandoms, vidding

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