
Apr 29, 2010 23:20

Aaaand it's done *falls over*

YAY! \o/

In the end, I managed to finish it at what was, more or less, the halfway point of the story, so let's just call it Part 1 *shrug* (and ended it on a proper 'dun dun DUN' moment too, hehe XD) Works for me! (especially considering just a few days ago I was ready to give up >.>)

Also, no idea why I feel so tired/sleepy... I mean, I went out today omg leaving the house! but srsly, that's about it :/ finishing SF off didn't take long since there wasn't much to do and I'd hit a nice, long dialogue so I wasn't too worried (tho oh my goodness, I need to cut down on some of that, yikes. seven ppl in a room arguing over what to do next =/= good storytelling, just confusion @_@) So yeah... no clue what's going on there :S Will probably go to bed soon, as I'm now having trouble even keeping my eyes open...

And I found out that my fave DVD place (Metro Video) is going to be closing in two days ;__; the one downtown is still going to be open, but the other two (Fairview & Laval) will be closing. Sadness! They had some pretty awesome specials, tho I dunno if that was to get rid of stock or what... might end up downtown this weekend anyway despite alleged rain so I can check it out.

(lol, my iTunes just started playing "Are You Sad?" by OLP. Why thank you, computer, I am. Rub it in, yeah? >.>)

script frenzy, rl, writing

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