New Who! (non-spoilery thoughts)

Apr 17, 2010 23:00

Just finished watching the first ep of the new series of Doctor Who, and boy was it fun :D I will certainly miss David Tennant and it was a bit weird to see someone new as the Doctor (even tho technically he's my 3rd, but Eccleston was only there a year so I got very used to Tennant as "the" Doctor >.>) but I thought Matt Smith did a great job ^^ Still a bit Ten-like in places, but they actually addressed that, which I think was good, and he managed to capture the essence of the Doctor just right-- a little back wacky, a little bit badass and a whole lot of awesome. Speaking of awesome, also loved the new companion, Amy-- wasn't sure what to make of her based on the promos alone, but after having seen her in action, am definitely pleased. So, yes, this combo makes me happy and the preview at the end of the ep's got me excited for the rest of the series ^^ which I'll have to try and be patient about, as we're 2 eps behind the UK >.>

(Unfortunately missed the special that aired before the ep, but maybe Space'll rerun it at some point?)

doctor who, made of awesome, fandoms

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