Aw, man...

Apr 14, 2010 16:51

So, you know how I mentioned last post that I'd gotten into the show 'Survivors'? Well, apparently it's been cancelled *sigh* I don't suppose there's any chance it'll get un-cancelled, like Primeval did? (probably not, as this was due to ratings and not budget but argh, let me have hope >.>) I was okay with the way the S2 finale ended (knowing there was a chance it might not be back) but there's definitely some un-resolved stuff, which sucks :/ Ah well, such is the biz, I guess...

If anyone's curious about it, tho, I just finished my vid for S1 ^^; The show's about the survivors of a virus that's killed off most of the world's population, and how they cope and try to rebuild society (kinda like The Stand, except without the whole supernatural aspect). Interesting stuff (I tend to be really into these 'post-apocalyptic' type stories, especially when they're so character-driven). Shame more people didn't think so.

image Click to view

Song is "End Of The World" by Cold.

-Well, seeing as it's just been cancelled, I doubt this'll get many views (it's a pretty small fandom as is, so it probably wouldn't have either way ^^;), but I had the idea in my head and decided to go for it anyway *shrug* I actually have a few more vid ideas, which I'll likely do regardless unless I get distracted by other ideas which could totally happen >.>
-Not much to say about this one, really, tho I kept tweaking for timing again ^^; I either over-edit to the point of perfectionism or to the point where I just don't feel like it anymore, lol. I think this was a bit of both XD But I'm pretty happy with how it turned out (tho I noticed there is a bit of character bias, whoops >.> totally unintentional...)

videos, survivors, fandoms, vidding

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